Qualcomm is the biggest winner of Apple’s cancelation of 2024 iPhone SE 4 / Qualcomm為Apple取消2024 iPhone SE 4的最大贏家

郭明錤 (Ming-Chi Kuo)
2 min readJan 6, 2023


Qualcomm is the biggest winner of Apple’s cancelation of 2024 iPhone SE 4. Qualcomm will likely remain the exclusive supplier of baseband chips for 2H24 new iPhone 16 series (vs. market expectations that Qualcomm will start losing iPhone orders in 2024).

  1. The supply chain has received instructions from Apple indicating that the production and shipment plans for the 2024 iPhone SE 4 have been canceled rather than delayed.
  2. Due to concerns that the performance of the in-house baseband chip may not be up to par with Qualcomm’s, Apple initially planned to launch its baseband chip in 2024 and let the low-end iPhone SE 4 adopt it first, and decide whether to let the iPhone 16 use its baseband chip depending on the development status of iPhone SE 4. However, the cancelation of the iPhone SE 4 has significantly increased the chances of Qualcomm remaining the exclusive supplier of baseband chips for the 2H24 new iPhone 16 series, which is better than the market consensus that Qualcomm will start losing iPhone orders in 2024.
  3. Qualcomm is expected to continue to dominate the global high-end mobile phone RF market in 2023 and 2024 at least, leading to markedly higher profits than its competitors. The company’s strong product mix, which confers competitive advantages, is expected to mitigate the negative impacts of the economic recession and allow Qualcomm to return to solid growth ahead of its competitors once the economy recovers.

Qualcomm為Apple取消2024 iPhone SE 4的最大贏家。預期Qualcomm仍是2H24新款iPhone 16系列基頻晶片獨家供應商 (vs. 市場共識為Qualcomm將自2024年開始失去iPhone基帶晶片訂單)。

1. 根據供應鏈從Apple得到的指示,Apple將取消2024 iPhone SE 4的生產與出貨計畫,而非延遲。

2. 因顧慮到自家基頻晶片效能或許不如Qualcomm,故Apple原先計劃是在2024年推出自家基頻晶片並讓低階iPhone SE 4先採用,並視iPhone SE 4開發狀況決定是否讓iPhone 16採用自家基帶晶片。然而,在取消iPhone SE 4後,Qualcomm仍是新款2H24 iPhone 16系列基頻晶片獨家供應商的機率顯著提升,優於市場預期Qualcomm將自2024年開始失去iPhone訂單。

3. Qualcomm至少在2023與2024年將持續主導全球高階手機RF晶片市場,獲利將顯著優於競爭對手。因產品組合競爭優勢強勁,故可望降低該公司面臨經濟衰退的負面影響,並在經濟復甦時獲利首先恢復強勁成長。



郭明錤 (Ming-Chi Kuo)

天風國際證券分析師,分享科技產業趨勢觀察與預測。An analyst at TF International Securities. Sharing observations and predictions of tech industry trends.