Apple Likely to Face Fiercer Challenges in 2025, Requiring Caution Against Potential Downside Risks…My latest industry research indicates that Apple will encounter more challenging hurdles in 2025, including nearly stagnant iPhone growth…2d ago22d ago2
Apple在2025年可能將面臨更為嚴峻的挑戰,須謹慎面對市場先前過度樂觀導致的潛在下行風險我最新的產業調查研究指出,Apple在2025年將面臨更為嚴峻的挑戰,包括iPhone成長幾乎停滯、AI服務仍未有貢獻、與中國業務持續衰退等,更多細節如下。2d ago12d ago1
Wiwynn’s 2025 Business Momentum May Exceed Expectations, with Structural Growth Expected in…1. Meta Orders to Be the Key Revenue Drivers for 4Q24:4d ago4d ago
BE Semiconductor為iPhone 18 Pro採用可變光圈、Apple PCC/M5系列高階處理器、先進封裝SoIC顯著成長、HBM採用Hybrid…結論: BE Semiconductor (BESI) 股價於3Q24顯著修正已反映2H24出貨遞延。展望2025年起,BESI將顯著受益於:1) 2026年iPhone 18 Pro可變光圈相機、2) Apple PCC (Private cloud compute)…Dec 23, 20241Dec 23, 20241
BE Semiconductor Poised to Benefit from iPhone 18 Pro Variable Aperture, Apple PCC/High-End M5…Conclusion: The plummet in BE Semiconductor’s (BESI) stock price in 3Q24 has already priced in the 2H24 shipment delays. Looking ahead to…Dec 23, 20248Dec 23, 20248
Nvidia GB300/B300 DrMOS Testing Update: Severe Thermal Issues with AOS, MPS Order Trends May be…Event: The DrMOS chips currently being tested for the GB300/B300 system are AOS’s 5x5 and MPS’s 5x6. My latest supply chain survey…Dec 16, 20241Dec 16, 20241
Nvidia GB300/B300 DrMOS測試更新:AOS遭遇嚴重過熱問題、MPS訂單趨勢可能不如市場想像的那麼糟事件: 目前GB300/B300開發所測試的DrMOS包括AOS的5x5和MPS的5x6。我最新供應鏈調查顯示,AOS 的晶片出現嚴重過熱問題。Dec 16, 20241Dec 16, 20241
Himax be a Potential WLO Supplier for TSMC and Nvidia, Poising to Benefit from AI Chips and…Conclusion: Himax is expected to leverage its WLO (Wafer-Level Optics) technology and strong partnership with FOCI (Fiber Optic…Dec 12, 20242Dec 12, 20242
Himax為Nvidia與台積電的潛在WLO供應商,可望受惠於AI晶片與先進製程封裝採用矽光子技術結論:Himax預期將憑藉WLO技術優勢,以及與上詮緊密的合作關係,進入台積電CPO與Nvidia下世代AI晶片Rubin的供應鏈。展望未來,CPO將是AI伺服器/HPC晶片設計之必備,故WLO業務可望成為Himax長期強勁成長驅動。Dec 12, 2024Dec 12, 2024