The Art of Selecting a Ripe Watermelon

Minhajul Hoque
3 min readJun 26, 2023


Art of Choosing a Watermelon

Choosing a ripe watermelon can occasionally feel like an overwhelming task. However, armed with the right knowledge and a few handy tips, you can easily master this art. This blog post will delve into the various strategies that can guide you to select the perfect ripe watermelon and enjoy its refreshing and nutritious benefits.

The Refreshing Watermelon: A Nutrient Powerhouse

Watermelon, a fruit primarily composed of water — about 92% — is a quintessential summer delight. Not only does it provide a refreshing respite from the heat, but it also offers a plethora of nutrients. Watermelons are a rich reservoir of vitamins A and C, along with potent antioxidants. Originating from the warm climates of Africa, watermelons have now made their way into hearts and farms worldwide.

A Guide to Picking a Ripe Watermelon

The process of selecting a ripe watermelon can be viewed as an art form, one that can be honed with a few crucial tips. Here are four primary indicators to look out for when picking a ripe watermelon:

The Hollow Sound

A ripe watermelon, when tapped, should emit a hollow sound. This distinctive sound is a result of the water content inside the ripe watermelon resonating a hollow echo when tapped. In contrast, an underripe or overripe watermelon may produce a dull, less resonant sound. To draw a parallel, the sound of a ripe watermelon when tapped is reminiscent of the sound of a drum.

The Weight Factor

The weight of a watermelon can serve as a reliable indicator of its ripeness. A ripe watermelon should feel heavy relative to its size. This is because a ripe watermelon is brimming with juice, which contributes to its weight. When you lift the watermelon, it should feel dense and heavy, indicating that it’s ripe and ready to be enjoyed.

The Yellow Spot

A ripe watermelon should sport a yellow spot. This yellow spot, also known as the field spot, is the area where the watermelon rested on the ground during its growth phase. If the spot is white or green, the watermelon is likely not ripe. However, a yellow spot is a clear sign that the watermelon is ripe and ready for consumption.

The Webbing Indicator

The presence of webbing on a watermelon can also be a good indicator of its ripeness. Webbing refers to the brown, coarse, web-like lines on the watermelon. The more webbing, the better, as this signifies that the watermelon has undergone extensive pollination, which typically results in a sweeter fruit.


When embarking on the task of picking a ripe watermelon, remember to look out for a hollow sound when tapped, a heavy weight relative to its size, a yellow field spot, and the presence of webbing. These indicators are not only easy to remember but also straightforward to apply when you are on a mission to pick the best watermelon for your summer treat.

Armed with these tips, you can confidently select a ripe watermelon that is juicy, sweet, and ready to be savored. Enjoy the refreshing and nutritious goodness that a ripe watermelon brings to your summer table.

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Minhajul Hoque

Exploring the frontiers of AI, space, and physics. ML engineer building cutting-edge AI solutions and tackling challenges. Join me on this journey of discovery.