Sero — The world’s first truly Privacy Protection platform for Decentralized Applications

Chen Yang
5 min readJun 29, 2019



In all human rights, perhaps privacy is the most difficult to define. Privacy definitions vary widely depending on the conditions of each country and culture. In many countries, this concept has been incorporated into the concept of personal data protection, in which privacy is the management of personal information. In the current context, protecting privacy is often viewed as a way to guide society to limit the interference of individual work.
The lack of a single definition does not mean that the problem lacks importance, because “in a sense, all human rights have an aspect of privacy.”

Privacy is the right of individuals to be respected and legally protected. The collection and publication of information and materials about personal life must be agreed by that person. Letters, telephone, telegrams, other forms of electronic information of individuals are guaranteed to be safe and confidential.

The right to private life, personal secrets and family secrets (collectively referred to as private life secrets) is one of the most important basic human rights recognized by the 2013 Constitution.

Its protection seemed simple, but in fact, the violation in the past could be said to be rampant, becoming a concern for society. Preventing the encroachment of private privacy of individuals is really difficult in this era of internet, when information is spread very quickly after a “click” of a computer mouse, a lot of private life information The worthy person must be protected from being exposed.

It is in life. In the world Blockchian 4.0 privacy is very important . So the team created the Sero project as the world’s first privacy protection project in decentralized application.


SERO is a blockchain system, the first of its kind that truly has idea about complete protection of privacy, they intend to carry this out through the use of non-zero-knowledge proof. When compared to other blockchain privacy protection technologies, SERO is not just interested in the protection of account and transaction data, they also support Turing complete smart contracts as a plus, they grant developers the opportunity to create their own encrypted cryptocurrencies that supports smart contracts based on the SERO-chain.

SERO-chain will help to make the dream of privacy protection come true, they have re-designed the structure of blockchain and different underlying protocols thereby making Turing complete smart contract a sure thing. They want to make privacy protection measures accessible for a wider range of application scenarios, they also will make attacks on users’ private data more difficult, via the use of enhanced NIZK encryption algorithm.

Sero: An All Inclusive Privacy Protection Platform

Sero is the world first blockchain privacy insurance convention with highlights that can give privacy and anonymity to people, establishments and business associations. The beneficial thing about Sero as I have demonstrated before that it goes past securing the privacy of people, it additionally offers privacy to smart contracts which makes it to be perfect for establishments and business associations, Sero makes this conceivable by utilizing zero knowledge proof which receives the creative UTXO+ Account blended mode. Additionally, Sero makes it feasible for outsider developers to make privacy insurance coins and Dapps that have includes on its platform in this way making open door for developers desires to come to the real world.

Sero likewise make utilized of Zero Knowledge proof encryption library which is the quickest on the planet known as SUPER-ZK to improve its privacy limit. SUPER-ZK is worked with ability to perform exchanges that is twenty quicker than the most recent zk-SNARKs which Zcash utilized. A nearby take a gander at the exchange execution of Zcash let us realize that now and again it do take over two minutes before its affirmation yet with Sero, the affirmation will be multiple times quicker than that of Zcash on the grounds that it utilizes the world quickest encryption library.

Unique features

  1. The Turing Complete Network :

It’s deserving of note that SERO utilizes the non-intuitive zero-knowledgetproof (NIZK) system to secure the subtleties of an exchange. Pushing ahead, it likewise designates the Turing complete smart contract as a troublesome instrument to relieve the probability of a followed exchange. In a similar respect, it executes an encryption system to shroud the personalities of executing parties.

2. DApps Development
It’s never again news that decentralized applications are winding up increasingly conspicuous in the decentralized community. By and by, they are yet to achieve an astonishing stature on account of the constrained privacy that undermines their further development. SERO sets the ball moving by enabling DApps’ developers to make privacy coins around these applications. With this set up, it is simpler to verify the DApps ecosystem better while empowering the utilization of these coins for collaborations with the applications.

3. Final Notes
Privacy is step by step coming back to clients cordiality of the blockchain innovation. It takes a feasible coin like SERO to expand the span for greatest security of digital assets and the clients. In this manner, the coin looks great to accomplish its objectives.

Exchange IEO

Currently the number of buyers is very stable in this large exchange. Quickly buy yourself the valuable token

Token Information and Analysis

Ticker: SERO
Role of Token: Utility
Exchange Rate: 1 SERO = $0.200 USD
Country of Registration: Cayman Islands



This is a very useful project for investors to develop. If there is no privacy, it is very easy for bad guys to exploit and steal our information. The project is being noticed by many investors. I am sure that in 2019 will be a very successful year of the project

Useful Links

ANG: https: //

author : minhdo1984

URL bct :;u=2593203

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