Minh Tâm Phạm
7 min readApr 28, 2019

Bitmax is an emerging trading platform in recent times with many new features and programs to attract users. This is considered a new generation of digital asset trading floors.

Bitmax (BTMX) — the new generation virtual asset trading platform.

Part 1: Overview of Bitmax (BTMX)

Basic information about Bitmax (BTMX)

  • Name Altcoin: Bitmax
  • Token code: BTMX
  • Own blockchain: yes
  • Website: https://goo.gl/6RX4vU
  • Technical information: Whitepaper
  • Total amount of token provided: 10,000,000,000 BTMX
  • BTM price is currently at: 0.04 $

Bitmax vision (BTMX)

Bitmax has 2 main objectives:

Create an open and fair framework

  • Increase liquidity for the whole market.
  • Support optimizing blockchain structure.
  • Promote equitable resource allocation.

Promote blockchain technology

  • Create an automated decentralized platform on Bitmax’s public chain.
  • Building a new type of automated economic program: minimizing organizational activities and increasing productivity.

Main functions of Bitmax floor (BTMX)

Participation — Users voluntarily and participate independently to do tasks such as digging, voting projects, participating in construction of digging tanks, participating in decisions to update and merge.

Cooperation — Users work together to create added value and towards a common goal. Users can design digging tanks and work to build and maintain them.

Operation — Users will receive profits from the floor: Bitmax will distribute 100% of the profits from user fees based on two PoW and PoS mechanisms. Users participating in the management and construction of digging tanks will receive many benefits.

Decentralization — Through the public chain that will be released in the future, the economy on the blockchain will become stronger to move towards automation.

AutoAutomated units, intelligent programs, and improvements of artificial intelligence and AI algorithms will allow Bitmax to operate the mechanism automatically, encouraging members of the ecosystem. through owning token.

Technical details of Bitmax floor (BTMX)

Transparency in transaction history

The blockchain ecosystem has an open and transparent feature, Bitmax provides a speed-exchange platform that supports real-time transactions with full transparency throughout the transaction when required.

High-speed technical support

A high-level exchange mechanism with memory-based pairing algorithms, continuous recording and reading, distribution messaging platform and advanced technologies to achieve high efficiency, speed, security, extension, and easy maintenance. A friendly exchange environment that supports FIX and API protocols. Aimed at successfully handling 200,000 transactions per second, APIs support professional transactions, such as high-speed, GTT, GTC, FOK, and ICO and provide exchange support for organizations.

Security and stability

Security system is built based on:

  • Cooperation with leading security units.
  • The source code and overall system design are completed before the system is put into use.
  • Multi-layer firewall to monitor system data in real time.
  • For asset security, multi-word requirements and a combination of hot and cold wallets are set up to provide customer security.

Liquidity support

With abundant resources and support from strategic partners, Bitmax has connected local and foreign miners, investment funds, and major exchanges committed to carry out exchanges on the ground. Bitmax platform to enhance liquidity. This in the long run will bring benefits to users when performing exchanges.

Multi-language support.

Bitmax currently supports English, Chinese and Korean. Later updates will update languages ​​like Japan and Russia … Multilingual support is an important part of creating a global digital asset exchange platform.

Support users on multiple platforms

  • Web
  • Mobile operating system: Android, iOS.
  • HTML5, PC.
  • WeChat.

The BTMX token feature of Bitmax floor

BTMX token distribution plan:

  • 49% is distributed to stakeholders (5% for investors, 4% for strategic partners, 12% for development and platform teams, 18% for development funds, 9% for Semi-closed, 1% for marketing and operating costs.
  • 51% will be distributed through the user’s daily transactions.

Mechanism of unlocking token

  • The amount of tokens initially distributed will be opened daily according to formula 49:51 based on the total number of excavation activities during the day.
  • Open priority: 10% of the token sold will be unlocked first. The rest will be opened based on the above mechanism.

Ecosystem and interests of owners of BTMX token

Exchange and digging mechanism.

When the user performs an exchange, it is equivalent to digging BTMX, and 100% of the transaction fee collected from the user will be transferred to the corresponding BTMX token and returned to the user.

Distribute profits earned from system fees.

Regular users who hold BTMX will receive a share of 80% of the profits earned from the fee. Stock platform based on system revenue. For example, if the revenue achieved is 100 BTC and 500 ETH . Users who hold BTMX token will be divided into a total of 80 BTC and 400 ETH.

Vote to the floor

All members have the right to vote for projects that will be on the floor.

Right to decide

The community has the right to decide with priority based on the amount of tokens held.

Operation and maintenance of community digging tanks.

BTMX can be used as a reward for the operation and recognition of member contributions to the tank.

Stable mechanism

Stabilization mechanisms are created with the aim of supporting token liquidity, minimizing negative impacts from price adjustment processes, and other fluctuations from market imbalances. Stabilization mechanisms are designed to target share divisions from excavation and exchange, based on formulas and rating scales created based on trading volume, total supply, price changes … This model will Simulate future profits and liquidity to stabilize prices.

Selection of digging mechanism

Bitmax offers a wide selection of training models for different needs of each customer group and organization. The mechanism is built to provide each level of profit that meets the needs of markets and customers. Through this mechanism, Bitmax distributes income to each customer to encourage comprehensive cooperation on the system to maximize performance.

Token cancellation mechanism.

Users who own BTMX tokens can exchange tokens for privileges such as membership upgrades, share-based advertising … Once token is used, they will be permanently destroyed, gradually reducing the supply of tokens.

Bitmax development team (BTMX)

George Cao — CEO, founder

  • Founder and Head of Investment Group at Depha Capital Manager, LLC, New York.
  • Founder and manager: Whitestone investment group.
  • Portfolio management: Knight Capital Group.
  • By computer science University of Science and Technology of China.
  • University of Chicago Ph.D.

Ariel Ling — Founder

  • Operational management of Commerz Market LLC
  • Business development team leader: Commerzbank New York.
  • Director at Lehman Brothers / Barclays Capital.
  • Chief financial officer at KPMG LLP, she has cooperated with leading banks and insurance companies in strategy, organizational change, merger, improvement … Managing strategic partnerships with Goldman Books, JP Morgan Chase, Dresner Bank, MetLife …
  • Two bachelor’s degrees in economics and English literature at Nankai University.
  • Doctorate in Relationship at Georgia University.
  • Doctorate in Business at New York University.

Han Liu — Technical Director

  • Former vice president at the technical application management department at major investment funds, he leads the team developing automated portfolio building tools, managing assets of more than $ 200 billion including stocks, income, income, interest rates.
  • The vice president manages the CFM system at Morgan Stanley.

Bitmax development roadmap (BTMX)

Currently, Bitmax is still following the right path. The current trading floor has come into operation to support many types of assets. By April, the Bitmax public string is expected to be released.

Bitmax partner (BTMX)

Although the launch is not long, Bitmax has gained many outstanding partners such as CVN, Block72, Lambda, Ankr. In addition, Bitmax also received .. Bitmax also received Bitmain’s big investment .

* I can tell a little about the Lambda project that was linked with BITMAX

Lambda project provides an IoT-oriented system for data collection, data transmission, data storage, data computing, and data transaction. The project solves important problems and has a lot of unique advantages!

Lamb have Access control based on MA-ABE, Attributes removal through agent encryption, Data sharing with fine‑grained access control. i think i the best security and best project

Part 2: Evaluation of Bitmax floor (BTMX) in MINHTAM321PRO

Bitmax’s strengths (BTMX)

  • The development team has 3 main members: George Cao, Ariel Ling, and Han Liu. They are highly appreciated for their experience in management, investment, banking and finance. The experience, education and relationships of three people attracted many investment funds, created a large community and caused FOMO for the project.
  • When the number of ICO is more and more, a new trading floor is very noticeable. This could be a potential project if the user needs are met.
  • Token mechanism encourages users to trade on the system.
  • Many large investment funds have invested in Bitmax: Bitmain, FBG Capital, GBIC, Matrix Partners, Danhua Capital.

Bitmax’s weaknesses (BTMX)

  • Key members of the development team do not have much experience operating, managing exchanges and crypto. This is an early addition.
  • The trading floor market has a lot of competition. In addition to major exchanges such as OKEx, Binance, Huobi , Bitmax also faces new exchanges Bgogo and OceanEx. The dividend strategy for users may be attractive but it is not too new and has been used quite a lot.

Above are the information and reviews about Bitmax (BTMX).

You can find more information about bitmax here


Website: https://bitmax.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/BitMaxioEnglishOfficial

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/BitMax/

Medium: https://medium.com/bitmax-io

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BitMax_Official

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqd6zelqTz03nkl2A3KHKtw

Whitepaper: https://bitmax.io/static/whitePaper_EN.pdf

Thank You all