My Highest Paying Minimalist Side Hustle

The ultimate side hustle. No boss. No employees. No customers. No Investment.


Photo by STIL on Unsplash

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When I created the brand Minimalist Hustler, I was in the process of shutting down my web design and marketing agency because I had enough of dealing with customers.

Being your own boss is great until customers become your many bosses.

I went on the search for side hustles that didn’t require much or any customer contact when I came across Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing).

It was too good to be true.

You could create books, and then Amazon would sell them for me and I get a cut.

I don’t have to print anything, ship anything, or deal with any customers or returns. Amazon handles it all.

And when I say books, I don’t mean your typical books either, which you can definitely make too, I’m talking about blank books, like notebooks and journals.

That’s what I started making money with on Amazon KDP when I started it in February 2021, but since then I’ve published all kinds of different types of no/low content…



Jamie Northrup - Minimalist Hustler

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