Welcome To MiniMetamon

A high-level overview of the project and introduction to the universe.

9 min readJan 7, 2022

updated on 8/1/2021

Background & Introduction

Minimetamon, (founded by 26-year-old Nick Rains) is a culmination of a childhood love for the monster-collector genre, paired with years of cultivating Web2.0 experiences.

In his opinion, the biggest issues facing Web3 aren’t the rugs or scams; it’s the lack of quality experiences available to investors of the space. Moreover, this value is reflected in the secondary sales price of various projects. For example, Bored Ape Yacht Club & CryptoKitties.

Participants of Web3 are yearning for something more than the next pump & dump token launch, or “unique” fork of OlympusDAO. Participants of this space want what’s next, although we can’t quite put our finger on it, what lies under the surface is a desire for intentionality and originality. Until now the utility of most NFTs have been subjective, most having a swagger of social affluence about them, similar to that of a Lamborghini IRL, or harkening back to the private clubs in days of yore memorialized in this emergent digital society.

At our core, we believe the undercurrent of Web3 is craving a metaverse experience that brings joy to its participants, an experience that churns the nostalgia factor without sacrificing integrity or utility. A project that IS NOT a P2E or a quickly thrown together “NFT game”… A project that becomes the baseline for the future of NFT projects, and yields a positive ROI for its investors.

If this sounds like a project you would like to be a part of then we would like to welcome you to the wonderful world of minimetamon!

Project Overview

MiniMetamon is a Pokemon-inspired, “collect-em-all” immersive NFT experience. Collectors will mint, trade, transfer, and burn their metamon in order to complete their metadex!

A collection of 151 unique metamon headline the series, however serious patrons of the project must utilize items and information to their advantage if they want to complete their Metadex, (an index of Metamon collected and those yet to be discovered). Each metamon minted brings the collector closer to uncovering the mysteries of metamon #151 & discovering hidden evolutionary & collection interactions along the way.

Aping in is encouraged, but ape wisely my friend;

The Metamon Mint Phases will take place over a 10-phase process. We’re calling it the world’s first non-generative RNG-based mint.

Each phase uncovers a unique portion of the narrative and region as collectors journey through the heart of the Alterra to save the metamon from certain ecological disaster.

By collecting metamon from phases 2 through 9, participants will be awarded artifacts, each complete set allocating a percentage of secondary sales to the collector. Each artifact will present itself to the collector as an NFT inside of their wallet, and fill a space in a special case on the collector’s desk, representing the collector’s growth throughout their journey.

One of the technologies we are developing is the ability for the front end of the DAPP to identify NFTs in a collector’s wallet. Artifacts for example will appear inside of the artifact case on each collector’s desk, just as if you had collected it in real life. While on the topic of the Artifact NFTs, each has an added utility to the collector & protocol.

Every complete artifact collection allocates a portion of secondary sales to the collector. These reward will be claimable each time a payout is recieved from OpenSea.

Then there’s the bounty!

Completionist Bounty & Rewards

A bounty has been set in motion for the first masters of the metamon miniverse.

Baked into the smart contract payment system is an allocation of proceeds for the following:

Rewards For the First Collector To Complete Their Metadex:

The opportunity to claim a 1-of-1 shiny variant metamon #151 + Completionist NFT

Rewards For the Second & Third Collector To Complete Their Metadex:

Claim Voucher for one shiny pseudo-legendary + Completionist NFT

Collectors who complete the metadex after this will also receive the Completionist NFT which will unlock a hidden utility.

Our Team

Your experience can only be as amazing as the talent creating it. For a project that aims to create a revolutionary NFT experience, we must have artists, developers, and thinkers who are at the top of their craft.

Our team is made up of 30 incredibly talented creatives from across the globe.

Web Development Team

Akin Ipek — Lead Backend / Solidity Developer
Akin Uman — Full Stack / Front End / Three.js
Westy — Blockchain / AR / VR / Mixed Reality
Josué Goes de Souza — UI/UX

2D Art Team

Bryan Prado — Cartographer
redacted — Lead Concept Artist
redacted — NPC & Items Concept Artist
Antonio Fuentes — Lead Concept Developer
redacted — Pixel Artist

Front-End Asset Team

redacted — 3D Technical Modeler & Animator
redacted — 3D Technical Modeler & Animator

3D Metamon Team

Felipe Ferreira — Team Leader

Paulo Silva — Lead Animator
Gabriel Rocha — Project Management

Vitor Semeghini — Principal Modeler

Rafael Benke — Modeler/Retopology
Lucas Gallo — Modeler/Retopology
José Cláudio — Modeler/Texturer

Tamiris Garcia — Rigger
Henrique EDMX Montanari — Rigger
Amanda Borges — Rigger
Andrei Severo— Rigger

Gabriel Castro — Animator
Jone Tavares — Animator
Pedro Medeiros — Animator
Paulo Silva — Animator
Camila Xavier — Animator
Alan Patrick — Animator
Gabriel Tokaro — Animator

Gabriel Braga — Graphic Designer/Texturer

MiniMetamon OST

Moonwalk Audio
Adam Grubman — Lead Composer & Arranger

Web 3.0’s first full-fleged OST. Composed and arranged by multi-platinum Cinematic & Game Audio composer — Adam Grubman & Moonwalk Audio.

MiniMetamon Flagship NFTs

Rico Alves & The Collective
Rico Alves — Metamon NFT Team Lead

This talented group of artists are 3D artists at Lucas Film, Disney. Their accolades span from 3D adaptations of classic childrens tales, to the unreleased digital artwork of James Cameron’s “Avatar 2". The Oscar award-winning team are most known in the space for their work in the series, “Love Death & Robots.” In Web3 they have assisted some of the biggest collections in the world, with CloneX as well as many more influential brands. Rico’s work can be verified here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the link to Pokemon?

In childhood, I was absolutely enchanted by Pokemon and an era of collaborative gaming that brought friends together inside of the same room. We would huddle around the low poly graphics displayed on an oversized CRT TV, with its RYW cabling. An era where blockbusters were thriving and a time when a calculator could be modded to play Super Mario Bro’s Deluxe. That’s the nostalgia we are aiming for.

MiniMetamon aims to bring the community of Web3 together forcing collectors to work alongside one another to complete the metadex. In addition, Pokemon may be one of the best ways to present non-generative minting, and RNG, to the NFT community.

If you were a gamer in the 90’s you will remember walking into a brush and not knowing what you were going to encounter, or working out how to catch your first Pokemon then evolving and growing with your monsters… not to mention the mind-blowing nature of a data-link cable connecting you to your best friend mind blown by the appearance of a new Pokemon evolution forced solely by the collaborative nature of your trade.

That’s the magic behind what we are creating at minimetamon. With a non-generative RNG-based mint collectors will have the chance to experience the same joy and nostalgia, however, apart from the joy the Pokemon franchise brought us when we were young, they have failed to cultivate the same experiences for this new and thriving generation.

MiniMetamon aims to do just that. Take the best of what was. Combine it with the technology of today, and pair it with the best of what has yet to come.

Collectors are guaranteed to enjoy a fresh take on a classic genre. Complete with a unique cast of characters, creatures, items, region, & lore.

Network: Matic (Polygon)

Generative Trainer Mint Price: Free + Gas

Item Pre-Sale Mint Price: Item Utility Determines Value

Size of Item Mint: 10k

Item Wallet Limits:
• Tear of The Goddess: 10 / Wallet
• Lucky Totem: 1 / Wallet
• Astral Spirit: 1 / Wallet
• Spirit of Fire: 1 / Wallet
• Spirit of Water: 1 / Wallet
• Spirit of Electricity: 1 / Wallet
• Spirit of Nature: 1 / Wallet

Size of metamon mint: 100k

Metamon Evolution is utilized to decrease the total supply.

Metamon discounted mint price (GT & WL): 100 USD

Metamon Minting Limitations: Can mint up to 10 at one time

Whitelist: 5,000 WL Spots
• Allows One discounted mint in ONE metamon mint phase.

WL Allocation
— 3,000 WL Spots Reserved For Community
— 2,000 WL Spots Reserved For Promotion

Golden Ticket:
• Reveals 1 of 1 Concept Art NFT.
• Allows ONE discounted mint in each mint phase
• Grants Access To Gold Club

GT Allocation
— 200 Spots Rewarded For Community & Culture

Item Pre-Sale Information:
The Item mint will serve as a pre-sale, allowing us to audit the complex royalty rewards, and evolution structures of the smart contract and ensure the entirety of the project is not open to vulnerabilities.

The Item mint will also reward those of you who are here early, These items will be essential if you plan to complete the Metadex and claim your bounty

updated: 2/13/2022

Tokenomics & Experience Phases

We’ve engineered some unique tokenomics to create scarcity and rareness within the experience. Metamon evolve in many ways; the most common of which is assimilation/burning.

Stage 1 → Stage 2:
Requires the sacrifice of three Stage 1 Metamon of the same Metadex number.

Stage 2 → Stage 3:
Requires the sacrifice of two Stage 2 Metamon of the same Metadex number.

The Benefit of Deflationary Tokenomics in NFT’s

Predictive Floor Analysis:

*not financial advice

Total Supply 100k — 300 USD / NFT

Total Supply 75k — 750 USD / NFT

Total Supply 50k — 1500 USD / NFT

Total Supply 25k — 2,250 USD / NFT

Total Supply 10k — 3,000 USD / NFT

What To Expect:

As the 3D art is finished we are looking at a 40 day runway for the NFTs to be assembled and deployed. Once the NFT assembly process begins, our team will begin to enact our go-to-market strategy. Until then stay tapped into the community on twitter and discord for the latest updates.

Our front end will create an environment that immerses collectors in the narrative. Our ambition is that your computer becomes a portal to another realm entirely. Before you know it you are a resident of a familiar yet strange world — The Metamon Miniverse.

Our vision is that you’ll immerse yourself inside of our DApp. For our team, that means not letting simple community bridging interactions like interfacing with your Discord take you away to another application or screen. The same holds true for trading and secondary sales. All actions taking place on the front end of our application, a hyper-realistic rendering of what we would like to imagine is the start of a trainer’s journey, the trainer’s bedroom. A place where the environment of the Metamon universe meets Lo-fi meets 90’s technology.

Header navigation on our site will help you navigate until you find your way around, moving you between integral items on your desk essential to the collection process. Pre-programed camera movement will make the journey between items seamless, aiming to never break the immersive experience!

Augmented Mobile Experience

To create a cohesive immersive environment we believe it essential to utilize our mobile devices to enhance the experience.

Although Collectors’ mobile devices won’t be used to mint, they will have a huge part to play in the experience.

Mobile devices will offer an augmented experience bringing your metadex into the palm of your hand. Collectors can enjoy all the functionality of their online Metadex by connecting their wallets to our mobile DAPP. Physically swipe through your Metadex to see what you’ve collected or what you have yet to collect. Bring your Metamon’s unique personality to life from the dex entry(v1) to life with real-time augmentation (v2) if that is what the community wants.


MiniMetamon Official Discord Server

Weekly AMA’s with the Founder Every Friday!




MiniMetamon™ is a web3 media franchise bringing people together through the joy of discovery and play.