Acquiring the Future: Conversations with Web 3 Art Collectors

Ministry of Art
6 min readJan 19, 2023


Holding onto history with The H

Actions speak louder than words with The H

Our next guest is highly esteemed among the well-informed and a unique patron of the arts, both tangible and non-tangible. As one of the more reserved personalities in the scene, he communicates very clearly via the curation of his collection, rather than through verbal discourse. Despite his quiet mannerism, his presence is one that commands both admiration and intrigue.

This penchant for individuality and authenticity makes him a valuable and essential figure in the realm of 1/1 art. One of the rare characters in this space that had a deep appreciation for art way before it became prominent on the blockchain, a true reflection of his discerning tastes and appreciation for the beauty of life. We were honored to have the chance to explore his thought process and discover what motivated his purchases.

It’s our pleasure to introduce our humble, cultured, and enigmatic ally, The H.

Después de la Vida by Ilan Derech

What draws you personally to collecting art?

I view art as a glimpse of the world that is frozen in time. It is an expression of an idea, a feeling, or a depiction of humanity that gives onlookers an honest portal into history and culture. Each piece I own says as much about me as it does the artist that created it.

hodl on (2) by Layers

What similarities & differences do you see between Traditional art and NFT art?

The biggest advantage I see with NFTs is the ease with which a collector can buy, sell and hold an art piece and the freedom an artist has in what they make and how they market it, all with little to no influence from a middleman. Plus, NFTs eliminate the issue of provenance that surrounds traditional art, authenticity is guaranteed by the blockchain. However, that last point also creates a disadvantage whereby even though we’re all mostly pseudonymous in web3, anyone can look at my wallet address and see what I’ve collected. IRL who knows what I own, unless I invite them into my home and show them?

Parking lot scene 880443 by HATS

How do you decide which pieces to add to your collection?

I only collect what I like. Before I buy an image I ask myself — would I hang it up on my wall at home? If the answer is yes and I can afford it, I buy it.

Type Punk #01 by Degen Poet

Can you speak about a piece in your collection that has special meaning to you?

My two favorite artists on Solana are Jim Roll and Degen Poet. Both these guys use ‘primitive’ methods to make digital art and I love that fact. I have so many favorites but if I had to pick just one it would be Type Punk #01 by Degen Poet. A Cryptopunks-based NFT that includes a floor price chart from 2017 to 2022 along with text pulled from public punk contracts and GitHub. Its historical significance to Crypto Art and the Solana 1/1 space is of immense value. I fought hard to own it and don’t intend on ever letting it go.

Vreeland off prospect 4 by Jim Roll

“I think The H is a VERY rare collector. A man of few words, but speaks loudly with what he collects and how he collects. Even in DM’s and I have done a couple commissions for him so we communicated a bit, he is humble, centered and soft spoken while somehow commanding respect.

He is, and this is my personal opinion, a rebel collector. He doesn’t jump on bandwagons — he pays attention but he ultimately chooses what speaks to him. I absolutely adore him. He is essential for this space. Also someday I want to see his house because I believe he is an avid IRL collector as well and I am pretty sure his walls are full of ART and LIFE!”

~Jim Roll

RAH-D — #014 by John Le

How do you balance your personal taste with the investment potential of a piece of art?

I follow my gut and try to stick to artists I have conviction in. IRL you can have some peace of mind buying works at auction or from a gallery by artists with proven track records or those widely exhibited. Usually, this takes years to collate and although it’s not a guarantee, it’s as close as you can get to a strategic process. In my opinion, NFTs are still too young to use this method as a model. I have so much more fun finding an artist before they blow up, it’s way harder to do but the rewards can be great.

So before I buy, I consider these aspects (for expensive works): is the artist serious about their craft? are they here for the long term? Are they doing something different or employing a unique technique? Do I agree with the message they are conveying? If it’s a yes to any of these questions, I might collect it, but the most important question of all remains; do I like the art?

At the cala by Johnny Jordan

What do you think about preserving and protecting your collection for future generations?

I continually tweet and display the art I collect in digital galleries in a bid to promote the work and the artist that made it. I store everything of value on a ledger and have detailed spreadsheets of what I own, including links and acquisition costs. I talk about my collection to my kids, and I’ve recently purchased a dedicated screen to display the art I’ve collected, so they are aware. I’d be thrilled for them to appreciate its value and grow/exhibit/profit from it and possibly pass works on to their kids, time will tell.

CUBO blob #21 by Vincenzo

Continuing to champion on-chain art

Valuing a collection of digital art is no easy feat. The fickleness of fame can cause a once-hot artist to fall out of favor in the blink of an eye, and the fluidity of the market makes it difficult to discern which pieces will stand the test of time. This is where curators come in, separating themselves from the average collector in this burgeoning field.

The H is a collector who has amassed a diverse collection of works from artists like Vincenzo, who sparked heated discourse about their pieces, to veterans like John Le and Layers, whose demand for their work has been proven time and time again. Whether by design or not, The H has quickly established himself as a curator of on-chain art, as his collection boasts one of the most technical diversity in the space.

Speaking to the artists whose works The H has collected, it’s clear that they hold him in high esteem as a collector. Finding avid collectors in this emerging field is no easy task, but The H has shown through his actions that he intends to be a permanent fixture in the world of on-chain art.

🕊️❤️Veritas en Arte 🕊️❤️

🖼️Check out The H’s Collection and follow him on Twitter 🖼️
✨Read our previous collector interview✨
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Ministry of Art

We are a Web3 fine-art project & company merging the physical, and metaphysical