Should You Buy CBD Online Or In Stores?

A guide to the pros & cons of buying CBD online vs offline

Ministry of Hemp
6 min readOct 4, 2019
Today, consumers have more options than ever for buying CBD oil, whether they do it online or in a shop. Photo: A collection of CBD oil bottles of different sizes & shapes, decorated with hemp flower buds.

If you were to ask a group of CBD consumers ‘How do you purchase CBD oil?’ you would undoubtedly get a variety of answers. Some people prefer buying CBD oil online. Others prefer the physical experience of purchasing from a local store.

At present, there are so many alternatives for procuring CBD oil products. But, which is the best option? In this article we will compare the two main methods of CBD shopping: online and offline. Use this guide to determine which form of CBD shopping is the most suitable for you.

Advantages of buying CBD oil online

Online shopping has totally evolved over the years and transformed the business landscape. People are more mobile than ever before, life is far more fast paced. It’s a natural progression.

In the CBD industry, you’re likely to find online businesses outnumbering brick and mortar establishments. These CBD e-commerce companies have recognized the unique value they can provide to their customers by offering CBD oil products on the online marketplace.

Here are some of the main reasons to shop for CBD oil online.


It’s hard to compete with the privacy of an online purchase. You just browse on your PC or mobile device, add to cart and checkout when you’re finished. All without anyone knowing what you’ve been up to.

Consumers that would like to shop for their CBD oil without scrutiny of prying eyes, will value online shopping for its privacy. When you’re shopping in person there’s no telling who you may run into.

Better prices

Typically, you can find better prices and discounts when purchasing CBD oil online. The consumer has access to a wider variety of brands and outlets and can make price comparisons at lightning speed.

For most bargain hunters, online is the way to go. Performing those comparisons in person will amount to hours of commuting or multiple phone calls, all with significantly less options.


The availability of CBD oil products is improving with time. You can find them on the shelves of organic grocers in most major cities. There are even dedicated CBD franchises opening for business in some regions.

However, there are still places where the legal gray area around CBD affects its availability. For people in these areas, online may be the only option to get their hands on a quality CBD oil. With online shopping you can bypass all the red tape and get your CBD oil delivered at your door.

Reduced shopping time

Shopping online is relatively effortless. There’s no browsing from aisle to aisle, when you can find exactly what you’re looking for in seconds. All variations of CBD oil products can be presented in one page, with the prices, brands and customer reviews. It totally simplifies decision-making.

There’s also the added benefit of never waiting in line, as all your orders can be made in real-time. For those that don’t care for the sentimental aspects of shopping or just need to get it done quickly, online is the way to go.

Brick & mortar: Why buy CBD offline?

With the advent of online shopping, it’s easy to overlook the advantages of a physical presence. However, there are some things that just can’t be replaced digitally. Direct interactions with the products and employees help to create a positive shopping experience.

CBD stores are popping up across many states, with some building solid reputations through good old-fashioned customer service.

Here are some of the main reasons to shop for CBD offline.

Physical inspection

Offline shopping allows the consumer to look at the item and inspect it thoroughly before deciding to buy. This may decrease the risk of purchasing a bogus product.

Scammers are also less likely to operate from a reputable physical establishment, since their items will be under the scrutiny of the public. However, beware of buying CBD oil from convenience stores, many “head shops” and other less discerning businesses.

Personal interaction

There’s something about a face to face interaction that is just more satisfying than a digital experience.

Many people value the ability to interact with a salesperson in real-time. They can get recommendations, ask questions, voice their concerns and even build a relationship. For the individuals that just need that human interaction, there is no real substitute for physical purchases.

No shipping

Buying CBD oil online may take less time, but you still have to factor the delivery process and additional shipping fees. Even the most efficient courier services usually take at least a couple days to get the item to your doorstep.

Some consumers prefer to get their hands on the item immediately after their purchase. Offline shopping allows these individuals to circumvent the whole shipping process.

Seamless returns

Today, many CBD brands offer returns to unsatisfied customers.

This process is more complicated when you’re dealing with an online retailer. Some may just examine the claim and send a replacement free of charge. In other instances, you may have to file a claim, ship back the item for inspection and only then a replacement can be issued. Offline shopping is one way to avoid all that hassle.

Some of our Top CBD Brands. However you buy CBD oil, always look for quality brands that maintain high standards of transparency.

Buying CBD oil: Other considerations

Whether you choose to purchase CBD oil online or in a store, one thing that should never be compromised is the quality of the product. These are some indicators to help guide your purchases, whether physically or digitally:

  • Third party tested productsLab results from a third party should be readily available to ensure that the product has undergone a safe manufacturing process.
  • Safe method of extraction Ensure that no toxic chemicals are used during manufacturing. CO2 supercritical is the gold standard of extraction for its high CBD yield and exclusion of unwanted chemicals.
  • Great customer service — Whatever outlet you choose purchase CBD from, should be knowledgeable and willing to aid your decision making. Excellent customer service is the mark of a good company.
  • Good branding Consider the way that the company presents their brand to the public. A well made website, active social media and response to inquiries are all signs of a quality brand.
  • Solid vendor reputation Reviews of previous customers can go a long way. There should be some customer experience that you can reference either online, or from a trusted source such as our website or a forum like the CBD subreddit.
  • Detailed product informationAll the ingredients included in your CBD oil should be clearly listed on the labelling. This allows you to examine the details and ensure that it has enough CBD content and no undesired ingredients.
  • Return policyTake the company’s return policy into consideration. This will vary depending on the store. If it’s your first time trying a particular brand, it may be wise to ensure that they allow you to return a defective item within a reasonable time frame.

Final thoughts on buying CBD oil

With these guidelines, we hope that your CBD oil shopping is made significantly easier.

Ultimately, when buying CBD oil, the choice of online or offline shopping depends on what you value as a consumer. For those that prefer anonymity, efficiency and pure convenience, online may be more appealing. Yet others may prefer a direct interaction with the product and sales rep, with the ability to make an instant exchange.

Whatever the method, choosing a high-quality item should be to the top of the list. With that said, happy CBD shopping.

By Kervaughn Whiskie. Originally published by Ministry of Hemp.

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Ministry of Hemp

America’s leading hemp advocate. Ministry of Hemp publishes news, reviews and investigations about everything hemp and CBD.