Family Day and spring like temps

Amanda Wheatley
2 min readFeb 23, 2017


We just finished a 3 day weekend celebrating Family Day here in Ontario, and it was fantastic. Spending three straight days with the the miniwheats was just what we needed. The weather blessed us with double digit temps, we hosted many friends for drinks and good eats and organized and cleaned and snuggled and enjoyed just being at home, together.

Zoe Ski Accident

We think all weeks should be four days on 3 days off, don’t you?

Nothing does more for the soul than spending time with family and good friends and that is just what our Family Day weekend was made of. Hallejula It’s back to the grind and I’m flying solo for the week as Mist-Wheats is out of town, so of course I took this opportunity to round up some things I’m currently coveting.

Fresh Sneakers : Basic Jumpsuit : This Bling : Another Jumpsuit : Initial Necklace

Hair cut

We hit a few milestones this weekend, we finished our basement reno and started moving furniture in (more on that soon), Zoe had her first skiing accident and scraped the heck out of her beautiful little face, and Thomas got a real big boy hair cut at our local barber shop Cut ‘n Run. I’m conflicted between his Ronald MicDonald hair and his new hipster cut that instantly aged him by 3 years. Gah!

Originally published at Mini Wheat Mama.



Amanda Wheatley

Wife, mama, lover of fashion and decorating, sports enthusiast and a fierce competitor.