The Minnao NFT Collection Part 2: a new type of NFT

2 min readJul 5, 2022


A new type of NFT: Stablecoin-backed NFTs

Stablecoin-backed NFTs

How many NFTs have you minted at questionable prices and found yourself with worthless images?
By adopting a Minnao, the most interesting and tempting thing (we’re all here for the technology…😜) is the backing mechanism for each NFT. A portion of the mint price (capped mint price at $ 100/piece, accessible to all budgets) of each NFT will go into a dedicated wallet (multisig).
So each NFT has a real stable collateral associated, in the form of a stablecoin (USDC). These dollars will be at yield, thus giving each NFT a constant passive income, and ever-increasing value.

The Minnaos don’t give you answers. Because each answer implies a previous question. And the questions are poison to the cactus of Life and wither it. Do not ask yourself questions and follow the path of life with the Minnao at your side. YOU’LL NEVER BE ALONE.

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Stay tuned for the next parts of this article!

PS: do not forget to fully DYOR @ ! For any question you can reach out us through our social channels.

In case you missed the previous parts:
Part 1

