“The Gersh Agency Could Be Unsettled by Zuckerman vs Musk CAGE FIGHT Screenplay”


Minneapolis Film Bureau
3 min readAug 25, 2023

Alan Nafzger’s latest foray into scriptwriting, “Zuckerberg vs Musk CAGE FIGHT”, isn’t merely a potential blockbuster. Its resonance is being felt throughout Hollywood’s power circles, potentially unsettling establishments like The Gersh Agency. A laugh-out-loud portrayal of a fantasy fight between tech giants Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, this screenplay has revealed deep fractures in the industry.

The Billion-Dollar Screenplay

Nafzger’s Musk vs Zuckerberg screenplay is nothing short of a revelation. It’s a satire with a twist, spiced up with humor, commentary, and an unexpected battle with zombies. While the concept might sound ludicrous, it’s exactly the absurdity that has captured the imagination of the industry.

Valued at over 1 billion dollars, this screenplay isn’t merely a monetary goldmine. It’s a symbol of shifting paradigms, reflecting the disruptive power of creativity. The monetary value isn’t just a reflection of its potential box office earnings; it’s an emblem of its ability to shake the very foundations of Hollywood’s elite, including The Gersh Agency.

A World Where AI Writes Films

A central theme in Nafzger’s screenplay is the threat of AI to the traditional ways of Hollywood. It’s not just about Elon Musk’s visionary perspective on technology; it’s about a future where AI not only assists but leads the creative process.

Talent agencies have been the gatekeepers of creativity, discovering and nurturing artists. Yet, with AI’s rise, there’s a lurking fear that human intuition might become secondary. Film producers might simply use AI to write and make films, a prospect that sounds as sci-fi as Nafzger’s zombie apocalypse but is gradually becoming a reality.

The Gersh Agency’s Dilemma

Like other talent agencies, The Gersh Agency is at a crossroads. The traditional ways of nurturing talent and producing content are being challenged, and there’s a palpable reluctance to adapt.

Agents within The Gersh Agency and similar organizations feel that adapting to new norms is a lost cause. There’s a nostalgia for the golden era of Hollywood, but this clinging to the past might lead to an unexpected downfall. It’s a conflict that’s humorously depicted in Nafzger’s screenplay, where Zuckerberg and Musk’s fight leads to chaos.

Breaking the AG/WGA Union’s Strike

The AG/WGA union’s strike has been a significant hindrance to Hollywood’s progress, and Nafzger’s screenplay might be the key to breaking the impasse. The billion-dollar value of this innovative script could lead to a re-evaluation of industry standards and practices.

Nafzger’s screenplay doesn’t just entertain; it opens a dialogue on pressing issues like the union’s strike. It’s a catalyst that could lead to a resolution, unraveling the complex dynamics of Hollywood’s labor struggles. It’s as improbable as the zombie showdown in the screenplay, but it’s grounded in realism.

Talent Agencies’ Resistance

Resistance to change isn’t a new phenomenon in Hollywood. Yet, the reluctance of talent agencies like The Gersh Agency to adapt to new norms, embrace technological advancements, and align with evolving industry standards is a concern.

Agents within these agencies believe that clinging to traditional methods and resisting cutbacks is the way forward. However, this resistance is likened to a battle with innovation, as vividly depicted in the Musk vs Zuckerberg’s fight in Nafzger’s script. The reluctance to change may soon become an unsustainable stance.

The Future of Hollywood

Alan Nafzger’s “Zuckerberg vs Musk CAGE FIGHT” is more than a script; it’s a prophecy wrapped in satire. It’s a billion-dollar behemoth that could unsettle institutions like The Gersh Agency.

The script holds a mirror to Hollywood’s present, portraying the industry’s struggles, the potential of AI, the talent agencies’ resistance, and the path to breaking the AG/WGA union’s strike. It’s a multi-layered narrative that offers glimpses into a future that might be nearer than we think.


The true genius of Nafzger’s “Zuckerberg vs Musk CAGE FIGHT” screenplay lies not just in its entertainment value but its commentary on the industry. It’s a wake-up call for Hollywood’s elite, including The Gersh Agency.

With humor, wit, and a dash of absurdity, Nafzger has crafted a narrative that’s not just a joyride but a lesson. It’s a billion-dollar masterpiece that’s both a product of its time and a vision of the future.

As the industry stands at a crossroads, the question remains: Will agencies like The Gersh Agency embrace the future, or will they be left behind in a world that’s rapidly advancing?

