Verve Talent and Literary Agency Could be Shaken by Zuckerman vs Musk CAGE FIGHT Screenplay


Minneapolis Film Bureau
3 min readAug 25, 2023

Hollywood is no stranger to the dramatic, but nothing has captured the zeitgeist quite like Alan Nafzger’s screenplay: Zuckerberg vs Musk CAGE FIGHT. The battle between tech moguls, followed by an unexpected twist with zombies, has struck a chord that resonates far beyond the screenplay’s value of 1 billion dollars. This idea threatens not only to shake up the film industry but also disrupt traditional talent agencies like Verve Talent and Literary Agency.

A Battle for the Ages

The concept is simple yet audacious: Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk battling it out in a cage fight, only to later face an onslaught of zombies. It’s a laugh-out-loud premise with a serious undertone. Nafzger has taken the tech world’s constant one-upmanship and literalized it into a bare-knuckle fight, and the result is pure gold.

Check out more about the fight here and here.

Talent Agencies Facing a New Reality

Talent agencies like Verve Talent and Literary Agency have always played a vital role in shaping Hollywood’s stars and hits. But a tide is turning, and agencies are feeling the strain. AI-driven scripts and films are becoming a reality, and the unwillingness to cut back on traditional practices is beginning to look like a lost cause.

A deeper insight into the matter can be found here and here.

The 1 Billion Dollar Screenplay

Alan Nafzger’s screenplay is more than just a fantastical idea; it’s a symbol of innovation and disruption. Valued in excess of 1 billion dollars, it represents a changing landscape where creativity is king, and AI is the knight in shining armor.

The screenplay’s worth and impact can be explored further here and here.

A Strike That Could Change Everything

The AG/WGA union’s strike has been a significant issue in Hollywood, but Nafzger’s screenplay threatens to break it wide open. The power of humor, creativity, and the willingness to embrace change may be the key to resolving the deadlock.

More on the AG/WGA union’s strike can be found here and here.

The Reluctance to Adapt

Traditional talent agencies are at a crossroads. The advent of AI in writing and making films is a reality they must face. The refusal to adapt and the perception of lost cause are creating a chasm between the past and future of the industry.

For more on talent agencies’ struggles, visit this link and this link.

Conclusion: A New Dawn for Hollywood?

Nafzger’s Zuckerberg vs Musk CAGE FIGHT screenplay might seem like a far-fetched idea, but it’s a harbinger of change in an industry that has long been rooted in traditional ways. From shaking the very foundations of agencies like Verve Talent and Literary Agency to highlighting the growing role of AI, this screenplay is more than a humorous take on a tech rivalry. It’s a symbol of an industry on the brink of transformation.

The age-old battle of man vs machine takes on a new twist, as Hollywood grapples with the rise of AI and the reluctance of talent agencies to adapt. Whether this cage fight marks the beginning of a new era or simply a blip on the radar, one thing is clear: the status quo is no longer an option.

Explore more about the future of Hollywood and the role of AI here.

