What You Need to Know About Choosing the Right Doctor for Lymphedema Treatment in 2023

Minnesota Vein Center
5 min readMay 16, 2023

Are you or someone you know struggling with lymphedema? This condition, characterized by swelling and discomfort in the arms or legs, can be both physically and emotionally draining. But don’t worry — there are plenty of treatment options available to help manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life. However, choosing the right doctor for lymphedema treatment is crucial to ensure that you receive the best care possible. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what causes lymphedema, how it’s diagnosed and treated, and provide tips on selecting a qualified physician who specializes in varicose vein removal and lymphedema treatment. So let’s get started!


What Causes Lymphedema?

Lymphedema occurs when there’s a buildup of lymphatic fluid in the tissues, resulting in swelling and discomfort. This can happen due to a variety of reasons, including surgery that involves the removal or damage of lymph nodes, radiation therapy that targets lymph nodes, infection or injury that damages the lymphatic system.
In some cases, people may be born with an inherited condition that affects their lymphatic vessels and causes them to function improperly. This can lead to primary lymphedema which is usually noticed during early adulthood.
Secondary Lymphedema is often caused by cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy which could cause scarring or inflammation in the surrounding tissue.

Other risk factors for developing secondary Lymphedema include obesity, immobility and infections such as cellulitis which further compromise the structures involved in proper drainage of fluids from your body.

It’s important to note that while there are certain things you can do to reduce your risk of developing Lymphedema (such as maintaining a healthy weight), it’s not always preventable — so seeking medical advice if you’re experiencing any symptoms is key!

How is Lymphedema Diagnosed?

Lymphedema is a chronic condition that requires early detection and accurate diagnosis to manage effectively. A doctor will conduct a physical exam, review medical history, and order diagnostic tests to determine if lymphedema is present.

During the physical exam, the doctor will assess the affected area for swelling, skin changes, and other symptoms associated with lymphedema. They may also perform an imaging test such as an ultrasound or MRI to further evaluate the severity of the condition.

Another method of diagnosis includes measuring limb circumference using tape measurements. The difference in size between limbs can indicate lymphatic dysfunction.

The gold standard for diagnosing lymphedema is through lymphoscintigraphy. This test involves injecting a small amount of radioactive dye into the skin to visualize how fluid moves through the lymphatic system.

It’s crucial to seek medical attention promptly if you suspect you have symptoms of Lymphedema. Early diagnosis can lead to better management options and prevent complications from developing over time.

How is Lymphedema Treated?

Lymphedema treatment aims to reduce swelling and improve the function of the lymphatic system. Treatment options depend on the severity of lymphedema and may include a combination of therapies.

One common form of treatment is compression therapy, which involves wearing compression garments or bandages to help promote fluid drainage. These garments apply pressure to the affected area, helping to move fluid out of the tissues and into lymph nodes where it can be filtered.

Another option is manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), a gentle massage technique that encourages fluid movement through the lymphatic system. MLD should only be performed by certified therapists who have received specialized training in this technique.

Exercise can also play an important role in managing lymphedema as it helps stimulate circulation and promotes muscle contractions that aid in moving fluids through the body. However, patients should consult with their doctor before starting any exercise program.

In some cases, surgical intervention may be necessary for severe or chronic cases of lymphedema. Procedures such as liposuction or debulking surgery can remove excess tissue and reshape affected areas.

Effective management of lymphedema requires a combination approach tailored to each individual patient’s needs. It’s crucial that patients work closely with qualified healthcare professionals who specialize in treating this condition.

Choosing the Right Doctor for Lymphedema Treatment

Choosing the right doctor for lymphedema treatment is crucial to ensure that you receive proper care and management of your condition. There are several things to consider when selecting a doctor for lymphedema treatment.

Firstly, it is important to look for a specialist in lymphatic disorders or someone who has experience treating patients with this condition. This could be an oncologist, vascular surgeon or physiotherapist who specializes in lymphatic diseases.

It’s also important to check if the doctor has the necessary qualifications and certifications required by the state medical board. You can easily verify this information by checking their credentials online or contacting relevant organizations.

Another essential factor in choosing the right doctor is their approach towards patient care and communication skills. You want a healthcare provider who listens attentively, answers your questions clearly, and explains all aspects of your treatment options thoroughly.

It’s best to choose a physician whom you feel comfortable with so that you can build trust and establish rapport throughout your treatment journey. Trusting your healthcare provider will give you peace of mind knowing that they have your best interests at heart.

In summary, finding the right doctor for lymphedema treatment requires careful consideration of various factors such as expertise, credentials, communication skills among others. Take time to research potential healthcare providers before making any decisions about which one will provide optimal care for managing symptoms associated with Lymphedema.


Lymphedema may not be curable, but it can be managed with the right treatment plan and healthcare provider. Choosing the right doctor for lymphedema treatment is crucial in ensuring that you receive optimal care and management of your condition. Remember to do your research on potential doctors, ask questions during consultations and appointments, and take an active role in managing your own health.

By following these steps and guidelines, you can find a qualified healthcare provider who will help you manage your lymphedema symptoms effectively so that you can live a healthy and fulfilling life. So don’t hesitate to start searching for a knowledgeable lymphedema treatment doctor today!



Minnesota Vein Center

The Minnesota Vein Center specializes in the treatment of venous disorders such as varicose veins and spider veins. https://www.mnveincenter.com