Investing in Probably Genetic

Minnie Ingersoll
2 min readJun 18, 2019


We couldn’t be more proud to be supporting Probably Genetic on their mission to help people with rare genetic conditions obtain diagnoses and be put on proper treatment faster.

Probably Genetic aims to end the “diagnostic odyssey” for the 200 million people worldwide with undiagnosed rare genetic conditions by making DNA sequencing tests affordable and available direct-to-consumer.

We were introduced to the Probably Genetic team by Jonathan Wright, founder of Opya and close friend of TenOneTen. Opya provides care to autism patients and Jonathan immediately saw the potential for Probably Genetic to help the 1.5 million autistic children in the US to get the genetic testing that they ought to be able to access.

The long term vision of the company is heavily focused on leveraging genetic data to help develop new treatments and drugs. Along the way the team is amassing valuable symptomatic data to help identify patients who might benefit from these tests. Being data nerds here at TenOneTen we were immediately interested in the potential of this data to support the Probably Genetic team’s mission to help families.

The team has deep expertise in rare genetic disease as well machine learning in the context of medicine and diagnostics. They also show a lot of promise as beginner surfers. We look forward to building great things together.

