Common Problems Students Face In College

Minnie J Shaffer
3 min readDec 18, 2017


Just like any other place, college is no exception for people particularly students encountering various problems. Both new and continuing students in college experience a range of issues throughout their lives in college. Some of the problems are discussed below and their possible interventions.

Failing to manage money

Failing to manage one’s finances is one of the significant problems that college students go through during their entire time in college. Extravagant spending of one’s money which subsequently leads to borrowing is not good. This is because borrowing by a student who does have a source of income make debts difficult to repay. This usually leads to unnecessary mental stress while thinking of where to find the money to repay the debt.

Eating right and staying healthy

When students are in college, most of them tend to forget about eating healthy and prefer junk food and stay in their rooms for large portions of the day forget about the benefits of going out and exercising. This is not usually good for health because for any student to succeed, they need to stay physically and mentally healthy.

Skipping classes

Skipping classes is one of the major problems that college students have to contend with. Students should always try to attend all the classes because when an individual skips class, they are not receiving any instructions and directions on how to handle particular tasks as well as information outside the class that one may use for his or her advantage.

Poor sleeping habits

Staying up to very late in the night deprives one of precious sleeping time which is crucial for both the physical and mental health of the body. Students should always ensure that they get the right amount of sleep to help keep their brains fresh for meaningful academic work.

Poor grades/not studying or reading enough

More freedom experienced in college than in high school years means that some college students slack in academic activities like reading and studying which is always likely to lead to poor grades. So, in spite of having fun which is common in college lifestyle, academics are the main reason students are in college and should be taken seriously.

Not resolving relationship issues

Relationships are usually a common thing in college life. Some of these relationships are often not permanent, and most end in anger, resentment and bitterness. These can cause students to lose focus on the main reason why they are in college and may impact them in a negative way

Failing to network

Networking while in college is a factor that is usually overlooked by a big chunk of college students. Networking is important because it gives students a chance to link up with people who might provide for them their first career opportunity. It also makes it easier get good advice on what path to take in a particular career.

Author Bio:

My name is Minnie, I’m a teaching assistant. I have developed a hobby in writing and writes for coursework writing service during my free time. I do quality work to which many of my clients can agree to.

