How to create the perfect Instagram job ad?

Minoo Hooshi
3 min readJan 8, 2018


I’m one of the 300 million people out there who login to Instagram on a daily basis to keep up the my favorite clothing brands, my friends, and my favorite companies. Unfortunately, in doing so, I’m forced to scroll past more than my fair share of yawn inducing “We’re Hiring” images that lazy recruiters think are good enough to entice the perfect candidate to apply. Take the following images for example:

This picture accompanied a post looking for a Jewellery Sales Assistant:

So, where’s the jewellery? What type of jewellery do the company sell? What does the shop look like? Why am I having to stare at a plant?!

This picture went with a post looking for a Master Cosmetologist — an expert in the care of hair and makeup as well as skincare and beauty products:

Yet there are no skincare or beauty products to be seen here.

Why should I care that any of these employers are hiring? They certainly haven’t given me a reason to. And that’s a sorry state of affairs. But you know what the worst part is? Instagram is an INCREDIBLE job posting platform, yet its potential is completely overlooked by the majority of recruiters!

So today, we’re helping you break the “We’re Hiring” mould, by showing you just how incredible Instagram can be as a job advertising platform when utilised in the right way, and we’re doing so by showcasing some real life Instagram job ads from real recruiters and employers that have absolutely nailed it!

  1. Put the candidate in the picture!

2. Feature your staff

3. Use humor

4. Use what you got

5. Use empathy

6. Be unconventional

IMPORTANT: Don’t forget to use hashtags in the description of your job ad image. Hashtags are how people find things on Instagram. If your job ad doesn’t have any hashtags, it can’t be easily found by the right candidates. Each and everyone of our examples above have an abundance of relevant hashtags included in their description from #jobfairy to #job to #werehiring to a job title hashtag like #chef. source: socialtalent

