Reach Investors with Your Projects: Fikir Atölye (Idea Workshop)

2 min readJun 26, 2018


Recently, the value and support given to enterprises in our country started to increase. Here’s a new platform that makes it easier for you to find your investment! Fikir Atölye.

Fikir Atölye founded by Alp Can Basmaci, who had an entrepreneur award at the age of 17, he made good progress in a short time. Currently, he continues to work with more than 10 companies. I also mention that there are already two investment projects in the process of investing.

Fikir Atölye is working for find investments to you as fast and soon as possible. Once you sign up to system, you can access all the invertors with basic project presentation. Founder Alp Can Basmacı, seeing that it is a great advantage to be able to reach strong companies in different sectors as well as known investors and says “Now companies are looking for a project to invest and support in every sector. We identify these companies for you and make them easily accessible”. In addition, there is Advisory Board where members can consult and benefit from their experience free.

We wish to success to Alp Can Basmacı who work to contribute to Turkey’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and FikirAtölye. Then we invite you to free your ideas!

