IxD Lab: Final Project

3.2 Storyboard, Prototype & Iteration

Minrui Li
2 min readApr 11, 2017
Test 4 with Explanation Subtile.

Updated process:

In last worksop, Dan Boyarski gave me some feedback:

  1. Simplify the interactive input.
  2. Focus more on animation itself.

Then I create animation storyboards for the 6 words of design principles.

Before diving into small animations, I refined the visual design of “DESIGN” itself and redesigned the interaction mode.

For big screen one, the lightness of the screen color and the speed of particles depends on distance between audience and screen. People can interact with “DESIGN” simply by touching it, and there will be small particle emitters follow people’s hands.

It takes me sometime to figure out the appropriate speeds and forms of particles. Below is a former test piece, in which particles moves too fast. Last time Dan asked me why I use particles: on the one hand, they are beautiful; on the other hand, they are powerful and symbolize possibilities.

All the workshops in IxD Lab were finished last week and this project finally moves into an accelerating phase!

Next Step (for 4/12):

  1. Finish 6 small animations for “DESIGN”.
  2. Refine the speed and form of particles.
  3. Implement the interactive part: Ultrasonic sensor + Processing.
  4. Iterate, iterate, iterate.

Feedback on 4/12 From Dan & Austin

  1. Think more about the interaction elements and signifiers: If I don’t provide explanatory captions or onboarding instructions, I have to make the whole experience very intuitive, like when the cursor can have different shapes to call user’s corresponding actions,
  2. Give audiences more control: currently the audience can activate animations but can not cancel them. To improve the experience, I can change interactive pattern, like hold to activate, release to cancel, etc.
  3. Consider about the platform and current technology, will I use a touchable screen or a cursor, etc? Make sure the interaction is feasible.

We also refined the visual style of DESIGN, make it more abstract and dynamic, like the Milky Way.

A snapshot of the new Milky-Way DESIGN.

