I am a full-stack developer

2 min readApr 23, 2016


I am a full-stack developer in Korea who has worked for three starts-ups here. My interests range from back-side, front-end, system management to mobile applications. As you can see, I am interested in all parts of application development.

But I was not originally someone who did programming as a profession. I studied history at my university and started my career in a trading company. But I couldn’t find any desirable future in the field and I grew sick of the dictatorial company culture. For example, I had to go drink every night after work and was forced to drink until I could not control myself. My seniors considered this as part of the culture a person must be a part of to join their team. Me? I simply quit.

After several months of consideration, I decided to learn programming. Even though it is often said that the software development field in Korea is very tiring due to constant overwork, I figured that there would be a chance to dream big while doing programming. I hoped that I could develop strong enough skills to get opportunities to work all over the world as a programmer, not limited to the stressful Korean work environment.

From now on

It’s now been 3 years since I started programming. I have worked for three start-ups in Korea and have developed a few projects as a freelancer. I am moving to Shanghai in a few weeks. I love software development and recommend this field to all of my friends who are interested in finding other opportunities in their life.

I will share my experiences in Shanghai. I also want to write how I became a full-stack developer in a relatively short period of time by myself, as well as explain my technical interest in software development.

