Relationships in Shanghai


2 min readMay 4, 2016

I lived in Madrid for 9 months studying Spanish in 2010. I still think Madrid is one of the world’s best cities to live. I remember the blue sky, the good people and the nice food. But one of the interesting things about Madrid is that there are Chinese markets everywhere. Koreans also gather and live together, but not in the city center. But Chinese do. They conquered every street of Madrid with their money. It was then that I first noticed that Chinese people are great at adaptation. Since then, I’ve heard that they help each other a lot at adapting quickly to new environments.


I arrived in Shanghai a few days ago to live for 2~3 years. A friend of my wife visited the hotel we are staying at now and toured us all around Shanghai.

We met at lunch time, and my wife’s friend took us to a very nice local Shanghai restaurant. My wife and I expected we would treat her for sure, since she came to guide us and even sent us a message apologizing for not waiting for us at the airport. We ordered a lot, around 9–10 plates. I am confident that I experienced the taste of Shanghai. But when we became too full to eat any more, she treated us and said, “It is a Shanghai custom to treat friends for the first time they visit.” The total price of the 9–10 plates was about $100.

After eating, she led us to a museum in Shanghai which exhibits the old shanghai life style, French concession in Shanghai and a beautiful park around the concession. After the priceless tour around Shanghai, we drank coffee together. Finally she took us to the front gate of the hotel we are staying. Isn’t it very impressive and touching? If you are friend of someone from Shanghai, they give you anything. Once you experience their hospitality, you will also want to return the generosity.


For twenty and thirty year olds in Korea, individualism is common. We split the bill and hardly ask for favors when we can do something by ourselves. We think of this as independence.

But after feeling this hospitality in Shanghai, I think this culture of hospitality is really nice. As a business man, I cannot do everything. It is obvious that sometimes I will need some help from friends. So, not in a moment of urgency or due to some special events, you can meet friends, spend time together and give them favors. After becoming friendly in this way, friends will begin to naturally give favors to and share with each other.

I believe that this generosity is the power of Chinese people, and I really think that this is a very nice way to live together. They never live alone.

