The Value Behind $MINT Token

2 min readJan 2, 2022


Why do I need a $MINT token? Why should I hold a $MINT token? What are the benefits of holding a $MINT token?

Such questions are being asked more frequently on our discord server as more and more new users are joining. We want to come across your needs and deliver you a detailed explanation about the value of $MINT tokens and their unique utility below.

Holders :

Because $MINT token holders are very important stakeholders in our project we’ve decided to reward them. Everyone who decides to provide liquidity or stake them in a single asset will receive :

- $MINT token reward

- $UST token

Additionally, it will be possible to freeze your LP / single asset for a more extended period, which will boost your benefits.

MintDAO will spend over 50% of the profit from the sale of each NFT collection on payouts for token stakers. Rules are simple, the more collaboration MintDAO has on NFT collections, the more funds in DAO Treasury.


Our MintDAO Token $MINT (CW20), will serve as a governance token once DAO is established.

You will have an option to vote regarding :

● Approving new collections

● Changing collection minting multipliers

● Funds Management in DAO Treasury

The $MINT community can decide on the next steps in the MintDAO development and what should happen with the funds in the DAO treasury. As a governance model, you will determine if this amount for example should be spent on buying and burning or used as an extra reward for token stakers.

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The MintDAO project aims to establish a digital mint that offers NFT collections with unique rewarding strategies to third-party projects. —