How I won 25k TRX in 3 weeks racing snails

5 min readNov 27, 2019


A review of

Snail Trails — Snails racing against each other

As a little girl I loved snails. I collected them — alive and well — and studied them thoroughly. I loved the different colors and the way they were able to enter inside their shells. Hey, I ended up becoming an biologist for a good reason!

Fast forward to today. I’ve been using Tron dApps and games for a little over a year now. I’ve tried all the big ones, the scammy ones and the ones that were fun but didn’t last long enough to recover the money that I had invested into them. Betting dApps weren’t really my thing. I’m that kind of person that rolls a dice over 4 and it gets a 1,2 and a 3 in 3 consecutive rolls.


By the end of September a friend told me about Snail Trails, a new dApp on the Tron chain, still in early beta. I got a snail, and started racing. Since then we’ve had some updates, and since the latest restart of the contract, I have won over 25.000 trx with my snail collection!

So how does this work? On Snail Trails you can race your snails against other snails.

Each snail has several traits, which makes it unique. First of all it likes to race in its preferred weather. There are races in wet, mild, warm and hot weather.

If you choose the correct weather, you get more points. Then there’s its preferred lane, also good for a certain number of points. The race track has 8 lanes, that can all be filled with snails.

Queen of Snails stats

Snails have a hidden speed, it can be slow or very fast. This is a given, it can’t be changed. The race score of each snail is also determined by its age (1 up every day), level (the more you race with it, the higher its level), fitness and its weight. This ideal weight can be tricky. If your snail likes to be skinny, you get less points if you have fed it too much. And the other way around. So it takes a while to discover what weight is ideal for your snail.

Fitness can increase by winning races, but you can also send your snail to the gym and train it. Then finally there’s the X-factor: a random amount of points added to your race score.

Races differ in grade and weather

Besides races in different weather, you will also see different grades for races. Maiden races, and grade 5 to 1. All snails start at the maiden grade, and they will stay maiden until they have won one race. Then they’ll have a grade assigned, depending on their race score. A lower grade for a higher score. This to ensure that you always race against snails that get approximate equal scores. You will also see open races, where snails of any grade can enter.

List of winnings for one snail

Even though the dApp is brand new, there are already several ways to win TRX playing Snail Trails. You can enter your snail into races and win them and get the prize pool. When all 8 lanes are filled, there are prizes for the first 3 snails that cross the finish line. You can also bet on races. Check out the history of all participating snails in a race, weigh their chances and make an educated guess. Thirdly, with every race you participate in you get shells, and with those shells you get daily dividends.

And let’s not forget breeding! If you own some great snails, you can set them up as studs. Set your stud fee and wait for people to breed with your snail. Of course you could also breed some babies yourself and sell them at the marketplace.

Fees to enter races start at 10 TRX, but sometimes races are free to enter, or extra TRX is added to the prize pool. Snail Trails can be played on PC and mobile (f.i. through Tronwallet).

Current competition

Often there are competitions announced in the Snail Trails Telegram, like who places most bets in 24 hours, or most race entries in 3 days.

Right now there’s a “Lucky Lane Competition” where a random lane and race is selected each day. If that spot is taken by a snail, the owner wins the jackpot (550 TRX right now on day 2 of the competition).

If the spot isn’t taken, an extra 50 TRX is added for the next day. Besides this competition there’s another one, where 20.000 TRX is shared between those who invite friends into the Telegram group.

The stats of my farm

As you can see, my total wins in Snail Trails since the latest restart early november is over 25.000 TRX. Taking out all costs to enter races, and the TRX used to train, feed and breed my snails, I still have about 5000 TRX net profit.

I also participated in the two previous Telegram competitions and won 250 TRX in the first, and 400 TRX in the second competition that were announced in Telegram. Taking into account that the dApp is still in early beta, and most races are filled with 2–3 snails only, you can imagine the potential of this dApp when more users join!

Now for the most important question! How to get a snail? First of all you can buy them at the marketplace. Prizes start at 40 TRX right now. You can also breed a snail by selecting two snails with great traits (if you don’t own snails you would have to pay a stud fee), pay the breeding fee and wait patiently for 24 hours.

Snail Trails Marketplace

The best way of course is to win a snail! And I’m giving you the opportunity to win one of my best snails, a grade 2 snail, of which I know the traits (and I will share them with the winner). How to win this snail? Check out my Twitter account. For now, join Snail Trails, create a farm and join us on all the fun!


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