Belated New Year’s Resolutions

3 min readJan 9, 2024


My year’s motto: I’m not aiming for perfection. I’m aiming for progress.

New Year’s fireworks
Image by Nick from Pixabay

We’re already 9 days into the new year, and I still haven’t come around to refine my resolutions for the year ahead.

The beginning of 2024 hasn’t been great — I’ve been fighting a cold ever since December, and I chose to lay low and rest. So, I couldn’t enter the new year the way I wanted to.

I read somewhere that if you don’t like how your day starts (maybe you had a sh**ty morning), you should change the meaning behind the concept of starting the day. Your very productive and interesting day can start at noon or in the evening. It will be shorter, but it’s still better than doing nothing and moping around all day.

Therefore, I decided to go on with making my New Year’s resolutions and sending them out into the world, even if most people have already forgotten theirs.

I want to have something to look back to when this year also zips by, and we’re back to celebrating New Year’s Eve.

So, here they are:

Make Progress [Main Resolution]

This year, I want to invite change in my life. I’ve been stagnant for way too long, and I want to start moving toward my goals.

I’m more of a go-with-the-flow gal, but I’m fed up with being in the passenger’s role. I want to get in the driver’s seat and take control of my own path.

Therefore, I am determined to stay mindful of opportunities and take the steps needed to set things in motion.

It’s a scary idea, but I’m also excited to see where I’ll end up. Right now, I think it’s better to experiment and take (calculated) risks than it is to stay the same and see zero growth. I say this in spite of the high chance that I’ll experience failure and rejection.

For the first time ever, I want to be the one making the decisions instead of accepting the ones that have been made for me.

Live with Intention

This one is connected to the first resolution since I want to make changes that will get me aligned with my core beliefs and values.

The idea behind intentional living is to fill your life with things that bring you joy and motivate you to grow. These can be anything, from taking care of your relationships to focusing on your mental and physical health.

In my case, I want to cultivate my thirst for knowledge and culture and reduce the time I spend mindlessly scrolling social media or consuming content. I want to create more and learn to open myself up to new experiences and people.

I’m finally starting to understand why we should be extremely careful with how we spend our time — it’s one of the most prized resources we have.

Focus on Health

I think this is the first year when I don’t have “lose weight” or “get in shape” on my list of resolutions. And it’s not because I actually managed to lose weight or get in shape in the past.

I finally understand that a healthy body (in general) is more important than a body that fits today’s standards of beauty. Therefore, my goal for this year is to make the necessary tweaks, so I’ll feel good in my body.

I am starting to feel the weight of many years on my shoulders, and I want to make sure my body is well-prepared for the next stage of life (which may be even more challenging). This implies changing my workout routine and diet, but I will make these changes with the idea of health in mind.

Wrap Up

And there you have it — my 3 resolutions for this year!

The reason I wrote them up and shared them with you was to keep myself accountable as time goes by. However, I would be happy if they spark some inspiration in designing (or redesigning) your own resolutions.

Let’s all have a fantastic year!

