4 min readMar 13, 2022



The customers of charging vehicle face much difficulties with the raising of charging vehicles with minimal charging station that brings a significant barrier to the adoption of clean environment vehicles. The charging infrastructure is currently rare in almost all regions of the world. The number of charging stations is struggling to keep up with the increase in the number of electric vehicles in most countries. Each operator seeks to capture users by encouraging subscriptions, often with higher rates for non-subscription pay-as-you-go. This trend reprimands pay-as-you-go and pushes for market concentration. However, this concretes the way for an open marketplace facilitating the emergence of new small recharging players in restaurants or hotels which add several levels of intermediaries adds up to the costs. Hence, the margins of mobility providers (MSP), charging operators (CPO) and interoperability platforms add up.

Werenode blockchain ecosystem is now in the field to enable disintermediation and ensures recharge transactions with optimized costs. The Werenode uses the blockchain technologies to build an open and decentralized digital ecosystem for electric vehicle charging infrastructure. Every user has the opportunity to become a microcharging operator by creating a Tezos wallet which is based on multiplicity of operators to join the ecosystem and further increase the number of accessible charging stations. There will be instant payments in Fiat or Crypto which are traceable on the blockchain. Werenode project thus allows peer-to-peer recharging. The owner of a charging point will be allowed to share his plug with other users on Werenode web platform. This will provide a marketplace for small charging station operators and the Werenode web platform is also based on simplified management of terminals. In the future, Werenode solution will make pay-as-you go for vehicle-to-vehicle charging possible, allowing some of its battery charge to be transferred with other users.


The ecosystem of Werenode for charging infrastructure is open and decentralized. By using smart contracts architecture on the Tezos blockchain, each user can easily share a charging station. Furthermore, it is very easy for Werenode to integrate partners into this ecosystem and to extend it to other activities linked to mobility, such as carsharing or other means of transportation.


The marketplace created by Werenode gives a very easily amplified potential to the project. Low level operators can also join Werenode ecosystem to encourage them in creating a profitable offer around Electric Vehicle charging.


The digital ecosystem of Werenode for EV batteries recharging is an asset that opens up several sources of added value: big data, artificial intelligence, connection to other digital ecosystems which includes individual CO2 optimization, energy markets, energy, multiservice stations, etc.


With the experience, all use cases are covered by Werenode infrastructure: from subscriptions for the big players in recharging to pay-as-you-go for the little ones. The new services are easier to implement and the link with blockchain initiatives for monitoring decarburization or guaranteeing the origin of electricity is native.


The transaction made by the users will be recorded on the Tezos blockchain, which itself is an energy efficient blockchain and also ensures to trace and audit the transactions.


A smart contract of tokens that complies with FA1.2 Tezos standard (equivalent to ERC20 Ethereum) and whose reliability is formally demonstrated. This smart contract does not include any mining mechanism, so the total token created is fixed and can never increase. Conversely, it is planned to create deflationary mechanism by burning or redeeming tokens by deducting for this purpose a commission of 1% to 2% on all payments traced in werecoin.


Werenode decentralized exchange deals with XTZ-WRC and WRC-XTZ pairs with reduced fees to ensure improved convertibility. Liquidity pools is to be created to encourage the provision of liquidity for Werenode Decentralized Exchange. The price rate will evolve dynamically in real time depending on supply and demand. Graphic access to Werenode decentralized exchange will also be offered on the Werenode portal.

For more information visit the following links, please.

Important Links

Website: https://werenode.com/

Telegram: https://t.me/werecoin

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/20948tdORW1hZTlk

Facebook: https://facebook.com/werenode

Twitter: https://twitter.com/werenode



Whitepaper: https://werenode.com/documents/Werenode_whitepaper_22_01_10.pdf

My (Author) Information

Forum Username: Senialayl

Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2303414

Telegram Username: @mirabjiji

Smart Chain (BSC) Wallet Address: 0x9BF3E76414C4A710EdF0D0e82A08A89F65c543A1

Proof of registration: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5387828.msg59394555#msg59394555

