4 min readMar 10, 2018


Gitanjali Kapoor,whose career charts across in Hospitality and Banking sector has worked with chains like Taj, Marriott, Hyatt and HDFC Bank.

However due to a major slipped disc in her lower back, she refrained from working in the last 5 years. Although she has recovered now, at 41, having no intentions of going back to a job she has been working on a book to be published this year.

Gitanjali says “I happened to download Mirakee by chance thinking it was a app to write Birthday cards lol, little did I know that I was being guided by the Divine to a place which I was seeking since long.”

  1. What makes you write?

I feel I’m gifted and love to share it. I happened to started writing on Mirakee by chance But then saw its a flood of kids there most lost in love, hurt and disappointed 90% posts were also so bitter and lovelorn That’s when I started writing Motivational and today with 1000+ followers in a short span of 3 months I feel a sense of responsibility. The comments on my posts have given me a boost which was lost somewhere and I’ve once again fallen in love with myself. This is what keeps me going. And the major credit goes to Charu being the admin for writers network, her reposts and interactions have groomed me to what I am. Yeah the high I get from my readers is what makes me write :)

2. What is your favourite Mirakee memory? 8 Dec 2017
OMG I will never forget how I was made to feel so very special by my friends on Mirakee on my Birthday last year.
I was in Lonavala celebrating and started getting msgs to open the Mirakee App ,
Whoosh there was a huge collab wishing me in the most unique way, and I get emotional every time I think about it.
So blessed to have found a 2nd family in Mirakee :) .

3. Name some of your favourite authors if any.
More than reading I love to attend forums and watch videos of anything that is spiritual and positive and motivating.
- Shakti Gawain author of Creative Visualization is my favourite.
- Louise Hay and her positive Affirmations are my mantra to keep smiling.
-I love watching the videos of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev , they explain life and its problems in such a simple understandable way.
- Robin Sharma another of my favourites.
- Kahlil Gibran — The Broken Wings
- at the moment though I’m reading Khaled Hosseini’s “And The Mountains Echoed”.

4. What exactly is #Alphopp? And how did you come up with it?
Mirror Alphoppbet was a thought that came to me while I was trying to learn the different forms of poetry. I was doing a Diamante and that’s when it struck me. I discussed it with Mrunaal Ghawande who helped me finalize it since I was very new and lacked the confidence.
Mirror Alphoppbet is somewhat like a Diamond or Cinquain poem forms but without any restrictions and the last line needs to reflect a opposite effect or an antonym of the subject.
Attached is a double effect Alphopp I created .

🔸 Mirror Alphoppbet Poetry
[Mirror Alph(opposite)bet poetry]
(Invented Poetry form)

a. - Every line’s 1st Word starts with the Alphabet chosen

b. How to form the mirror alphoppbet poetry:-

c. 🔸1. Title [ A — Z ] any one alphabet.
🔸2 — Line 1 ▪one word
🔸3 — Line 2 ▪ two words
🔸4 — Line 3 ▪ three words
🔸5 — Line 4 ▪ four words
🔸6 — Line 5 ▪five words Mirror effect of the first line i.e opposite from the subject.

⚠Note- First Word of each line will start from the alphabet you have chosen.

d. 🔲 No restrictions just go Creative.
🔲 Rhyming or non- Rhyming.
🔲 Humour/Sombre

5. Name some of your favourite Mirakeeans. All My Followers :)
All My Followers :)
I’ve been very blessed to have found some very loving Mirakeeans who are now friends for life to name a few
Nidhi @feelingsbywords, Monika Kapur @monikakapur, Ritu @soulful

Along the way now I have connected to some more loving and wonderful people on mirakee who have a very special place in my heart , to name a few

Anshi @anshithewriter, Anjali Tushir @anjalitusshir, Rohit @ro_hit,Ayush Singhania who motivated me from Day1 I joined Mirakee

I like to read Love notes by Carolyn and Shabnoor Rahman
being new I am still exploring.
There are some excellent Hindi writers like Ankush and Nidhi and Smriti and Meenu and Poonam who have really helped polish my Hindi vocab :)

6. What do you think is one trait that makes for a great writer?
Easy read with understandable vocabulary.
Also Understanding the need of your readers, your read should leave them feeling happy, there is anyways so much of negativity to deal with in life.
All this can be achieved by interactions and reading your own post and comments there and dedicating a little time to reading others and see how to imbibe it in yours.

All this wouldn’t have been possible without Mirakee and I can never thank enough , thank you Alankrita and team. Thank you with all my love and heart. Stay Blessed.

Interviewed by Prerna Srivastav




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