6 Ways To Improve Your Workday

Miranda Marie
6 min readJul 10, 2019


I am a hot mess. Seriously, literally and figuratively; a hot mess. At Bachelorette parties, I am always deemed the hot mess sash/ribbon. Ask me a question, and I will usually stare into oblivion for 3 seconds trying to remember where that piece of information is stored. I have 18298573498 notebooks, all with a specific purpose. Basically, I wear my hot mess title proudly. Because, although I am a hot mess, I do it well and I have ways to make sure my hot mess-ness, everything gets done. Here are my top six tips to reign in your hot mess express self, and improve your workday!

The Night Before

Plan your look. I know this can be a little elementary school for you, but I usually just take a quick look at the weather before I go to bed, and make a mental note of what I would like to wear. I don’t always go out of my way to set everything out (and the days that I do, go me!) But I try to make a rough note of what I would like to wear the night before, so it’s one less step in the AM.

Write it out, and you will be amazed at how it can improve your workday. Sometimes I am so meticulous and can write every detail of my life, meals, and ideas down. Other days, I am lucky if I remember to take out my contact lenses — see? Hot mess. But, I do try and write a little bit each night. I was gifted the STIL planner, and it is amazing (but that’s a whole other post). Before bed, I snuggle in, turn on my salt lamp, and (attempt) to write what I ate, any outstanding to-dos that have to be completed, and fill in any new plans/events that may be transpired that day, and fill in the ‘memorable moment’ section (a cute and simple way to practice gratitude!). If I am not totally dead, I will try and job some brain dump notes, to really relax.

How To Improve Your Workday: During The Day

To do lists, notebooks, notepads, and apps. I have them all, and I love them all. But they don’t work for all. To keep my head from going to point A to point Z in two seconds, I have a specific system on how to use them to improve my workday:

○ Notepad right beside me at all times — I write everything on here, and it usually looks like chicken scratch BUT IT’S OKAY because I am the only one who reads it. I add my tasks, notes, random thoughts on here

○ To-Do Microsoft App — the minute I am assigned a task, I add it to the list. The true beauty of this app is that I use it on my desktop, but it connects to my iPhone and iPad. So if I am at home, watching Housewives and I remember OMG I need to call XYZ, I can add it on my phone, and it is ready for the next AM.

○ Planner — yes, I have another planner. But this one is very specific. I started to use it this way once I read a post on The Skinny Confidential (aka my idol Lauryn Evarts Bostick’s blog) and my mind was blown. I have it open on my desk, every Monday I add in what is planned for the week, but each day, I write my tasks as I go along finish. Is this the same as the notepad? NO. Why? BECAUSE the notepad is my rough notes. My planner has a neat list of WTF is going on, what has actually been completed, and what I will be moving to the next day. It makes perfect sense TBH.

Get your H2O in. This may seem like such a useless idea but hear me out, who runs on coffee all day? Meeeeeee. Who forgets to drink water? Meeeeeee (again). By making sure I get AT LEAST a liter in during the day, I find myself feeling okay if I can get two liters in, OMG I am the Queen of Healthiness. So TIP: The minute you get to the office, put your lunch away (points for bringing lunch!), and FILL UP YOUR WATER BOTTLE. Do it early, and you will actually drink from it. Swear.

Batching. The first time I heard of this, I didn’t really get the point. Like time chunking? Nah, I’m good. But the more you learn in your role, the more tasks you are assigned and the more responsibilities you have, this technique becomes not only necessary but a godsend. It truly improves your workday!

Now, what is batching? I first read about on my favorite blog (again, The Skinny Confidential!), and didn’t think much of it. Fast forward a year later, where I now have a gazillion more things to do, and this idea is ground-breaking. Basically, as the name says you take tasks and ‘chunk’ them into time blocks. This has helped immensely. There have been times when I am knees deep into a project and an email pops up, and I stop and read it. This makes me lose focus, pulls me away from my task, and just creates a whole messy situation. Solution? I ‘chunk’ email time, project time, report time, throughout the day. It helps me finish my tasks without losing focus, with more accuracy and is more efficient all around. If it’s a little foreign to you, try setting a timer at first and focus on a task for a certain amount of time (similar to the Pomodoro technique).

How To Improve Your Workday: End of The Day

To Do List 2.0 — How is this different from the other lists — IT JUST IS. In an article by The Everygirl, it states that this is a practice every Boss Babe should do for the last 20 minutes of her workday, wind and write down. Shutting down your electronics so your not loured into a last minute e-mail, and making a to-do list for the next day (on pen and paper) while reflecting on the day not only sets the tone but is extremely therapeutic. I honestly feel so lost and frazzled if I leave work without ending it like that. It also leads to a more anxious morning trying to recall WTF I did…

So, as you can tell the list is a lot of old school writing, tracking and being all around prepared. Even though you are a hot mess, doesn’t mean you are slob kebob, amirite? These are my top ways to improve your workday!

What are your favorite ways to improve your workday?


Originally published at https://mirmarie.com on July 10, 2019.

