Map OF Zones —Cosmos IBC Explorer

Mira Storm
2 min readApr 16, 2020


Hello All!

We are very excited to hear that the launch date for Game of Zones has been picked! This time has joined forces with Bitquasar team and started building an IBC Explorer called Map of Zones that we would like to share with you!

We believe that our community needs a way to trace Inter-Blockchain Communications(IBC) between different zones in order to get more accurate aggregate information about the pulse of the entire Cosmos ecosystem.

The Map Of Zones has 3 main components:

  1. **The Map** itself shows how Zones are inter-connected to each other.

You can see Zone’s IBC transaction data and other Zones connected to it by selecting it on the Map.

2. **The Rating** that shows which Zones are active the most according to the chosen time frame

3. The aggregate dashboard, located above the Map, which displays the global data.

Our plan is not to rebuild the “classic” explorer inside just one network. Instead, we are focusing on the interaction between chains. This is our initial design strategy that can be modified based on your feedback.

We are aiming to launch the first version of the Map of Zones in May right in time for Game of Zones.

We hope you will give this explorer a try and share your valuable feedback with us. Thank you!

