Will You Come Back

Mira Okpala
1 min readJan 28, 2023


Mum said you were soft, tender, and caring

In the distant past

That version of you is an absolute stranger to me

The version of you I know is the one that flips mum’s head in a tub

Till she chokes underneath the raging waters

And you repeat the process until she passes out in gasps

I saw my reflection in your rear-view mirror

As you zoomed off from our lives on Christmas eve

I crawled behind crying dada, dada, dada

Photo by PAN XIAOZHEN on Unsplash

It’s been 20 years since we last saw

And I am still crawling behind in search of a father figure

I sought a father in our neighbor and now my belly houses a life of his

He has denied our seed zooming off just like you did

I don’t want my child to go about seeking a father just like me

Will you come back?



Mira Okpala

I write when I'm not thinking. In constant touch with my feelings. I'm an ocean of stories.