Life has no remote

1 min readAug 25, 2017

I recently read: Life has no remote, get up and change it yourself.

As an image thinker, I mediately saw the television-sets without a remote. You literally had to get out of your chair to change the channel. Unthinkable these days with an offer of many channels to choose from and the habit of getting through them fast just to see what they offer.

This does resemble the daily life we have. We choose from what we see and not what we truly need.
And accordingly, we complain life is not the way we want it.

Where it’s a ready made meal, a decorated house, the subscribed fashion we should wear or anything other.
It seems most choices we make are from “instant” life options.
Where did we stop choosing for the basics?
Do we really need all this instant? Or can we make our own salad from scratch? Mix our own dressing, combine the salad leafs we like or never had, will you add cucumber or tomato or both?

We should start imagining again for what we want, truly need and decide towards that. Make sure we start living our dream in stead of dreaming our lives.

With this in mind and knowing you and you alone are in control of your decisions, how would you change things?
Where would you take a different road, would you change the channel.
Or what do you need to make the change?




Teaching ways to evolve your life to those who hit “the wall” coach, breathing coach and conflict consultant feel free to contact me.