Reward Token meets Education

Mirella Baernthaler
4 min readDec 7, 2023


Photo by Ismail Salad Osman Hajji dirir on Unsplash

In a world where education is the golden ticket to success, the journey from learning to earning has become an integral part of every young person’s life. But let’s face it — traditional education pathways can sometimes be a tad too expensive and inaccessible. That’s where the magic of reward tokens comes into play, opening up new avenues for accessing education. Here are five outstanding initiatives, Caliberco has had the honor to work with.

Zlto: Turning Learning into Empowerment

Meet Zlto, a game-changer in the realm of educational empowerment. Zlto recognizes that young people have skills, talents, and a thirst for knowledge that can be harnessed for the greater good. The platform allows users to earn reward tokens by participating in educational activities, volunteering, or contributing to their communities. These tokens can then be redeemed for various opportunities, from educational resources to job placements. Zlto creates a seamless bridge between learning and earning, making education not just a theoretical endeavor, but a tangible stepping stone towards a brighter future.

Yoma: The Youth Marketplace

Yoma takes the concept of reward tokens to the next level with the power o blockchain technology. This platform offers a wide array of courses and learning experiences, all of which can be accessed via the opportunities landing page. As users progress in their learning journey and complete courses, they gain certificates, which will be added to their profile. This can be utilized for further education and rewards earned are exchanged for real-world opportunities.

©Yoma 2021

Yoma doesn’t just provide education; it fosters a learning ecosystem where each step taken is rewarded, motivating young people to stay engaged and committed.

atingi: Nurturing Talent in Emerging Markets

atingi steps in to address the unique challenges faced by African youth. This platform not only offers quality courses but also ensures that the learning experience aligns with the demands of the job market. Certificates earned through atingi’s programs can be converted into tangible benefits like internships and job placements. It’s not just about theoretical knowledge; it’s about equipping young minds with skills that lead directly to meaningful employment. If accessed via the Yoma platform youth enter the learning ot earning life cycle as described above 🔝

Umuzi: Skills for Impactful Careers

Umuzi understands that traditional education might not always be the right fit for everyone. This platform focuses on skills-based learning, preparing young people for careers in the digital industry. Partnering with leading employers Umuzi’s learners gain access to mentorship, workshops, and networking opportunities — essential components for turning digital talents into high-value employees.

Goodwall: Where Talents Meet Opportunities


Goodwall serves as a global community hub for young, talented individuals, providing a wide range of courses, opportunities, and connections. By transforming the journey from learning to earning into a collaborative adventure where skills are showcased and rewarded, Goodwall ultimately paves the way for a successful career. The platform mobilizes and up-skills youth while connecting them with peers and mentors from all over the world.

Impact on Young People: Quality and Feedback

Now, let’s talk about impact. These platforms are not just about superficial achievements; they’re about genuine transformations. The quality of courses and challenges offered by Zlto, YOMA, atingi, Umuzi, and Goodwall is top-notch. They’re designed to be engaging, practical, and aligned with real-world demands. Learners aren’t just accumulating theoretical knowledge; they’re gaining skills that are immediately applicable.

The impact is evident in the success stories that emerge from these platforms. Young people are securing internships, landing jobs, and making meaningful contributions to their communities. The bridge between learning and earning is no longer a distant dream; it’s a reality being shaped by these platforms.

In conclusion, the learning to earning pathway is undergoing a dynamic transformation, thanks to the innovative use of reward tokens. Zlto, YOMA, atingi, Umuzi, and Goodwall are pioneering this revolution, allowing young people to access quality education, earn tangible rewards, and embark on meaningful careers. The impact generated is a testament to the power of combining learning with earning — it’s not just a pathway; it’s a launchpad to success.



Mirella Baernthaler

Blockchain strategist with focus on ecosystem services, building for good, decentralized community enthusiast blogging about project insights and outcomes