The New Era Kids: Understanding Indigo, Crystal, and Other Children of the Earth

Miriam Bueno
3 min readMay 16, 2023


In recent years, a new generation of children has been emerging, often referred to as the “Indigo Children,” “Crystal Children,” or by other similar terms. These children are believed to possess unique qualities and abilities that set them apart from previous generations. As society continues to evolve, it becomes essential for us to understand and embrace these remarkable individuals who are paving the way for a new era of human consciousness and spirituality.

Indigo Children: The Trailblazers

The term “Indigo Children” was first coined by Nancy Ann Tappe in the 1970s to describe children with a specific aura color associated with deep blue or indigo. These children are often characterized by their strong sense of self, innate spirituality, and rebellious nature against traditional systems and authority. They possess a deep wisdom and an uncanny ability to question the status quo.

Indigo Children tend to be highly intuitive and empathetic, with a strong desire to bring about positive change in the world. They often exhibit psychic abilities, such as telepathy or clairvoyance, and display a natural affinity for metaphysical concepts and practices. Many Indigo Children are known to be highly creative and excel in fields such as art, music, and writing.

Crystal Children: The Healers and Peacemakers

Crystal Children, also known as “Rainbow Children,” are the next wave of highly evolved individuals. Born from the late 1990s onward, they possess even more advanced spiritual attributes. Their name comes from their aura color, which is said to be crystal clear, reflecting their pure and compassionate nature.

Crystal Children are known for their incredible sensitivity, deep connection to nature, and profound healing abilities. They radiate love and have an innate understanding of the interconnectedness of all living beings. They exhibit a heightened level of empathy and compassion, often becoming natural healers and peacemakers within their families and communities.

Other Children of the Earth

Beyond Indigo and Crystal Children, there are various other terms used to describe the unique qualities exhibited by this new generation. Some refer to them as “Starseeds,” indicating their origins from other realms or dimensions. Others use the term “Golden Children” to signify their divine purpose and the potential to bring about spiritual transformation.

These children are often considered highly gifted, possessing advanced intellect, intuition, and a deep spiritual awareness. They may display unusual talents from an early age, such as advanced problem-solving skills, heightened artistic abilities, or a deep understanding of complex scientific concepts.

Understanding and Nurturing the New Era Kids

As a society, it is crucial that we learn to understand and support the development of these extraordinary children. Here are a few key points to consider:

  1. Cultivate an open-minded approach: Embrace the unique qualities and perspectives of these children. Encourage their individuality and honour their intuitive insights.
  2. Provide a nurturing environment: Foster an atmosphere of acceptance, love, and emotional support. These children thrive when they feel understood and appreciated for who they are.
  3. Encourage creative expression: Recognize and support their artistic abilities, as creativity is a significant aspect of their self-expression and growth.
  4. Emphasize mindfulness and spirituality: Help these children explore their innate spirituality and develop practices that promote self-awareness, meditation, and connection with nature.
  5. Facilitate holistic education: Traditional educational systems may not fully meet the needs of these children. Encourage alternative approaches that allow for self-paced learning, interdisciplinary studies, and integration of spiritual principles.

The emergence of Indigo, Crystal, and other Children of the Earth marks a significant shift in human consciousness and spirituality. These extraordinary individuals possess unique qualities and abilities that

can guide us towards a more compassionate, connected, and harmonious future. By understanding, embracing, and supporting the growth of these new era kids, we can co-create a world where their gifts can truly flourish, benefiting both themselves and the greater global community.



Miriam Bueno

I'm all about Mind Body Spirit energy work. Also, I'm a Capricorn, an warrior to support well-being at work. -