Inspirations of a Blue Sun/Son (Andre 3000 New Album)

Miriam Adams
2 min readNov 19, 2023


Blue Sun

So, me and my young niece were in slumber by 9:30pm nights last. I Rised up at 3am, which is a lil bit earlier than usual.

So, I tapped and tapped until I found that New Blue Sun by Andre 3zeros. That Rising Blue Sun of Rebirth; coolness and fire hot at the same time.

So, my ears twitched, the corners of my mouth lifted and lifted. I could see my eyes twinkle in the dark room, laying there. I could feel my heart dance. It was a privy into creative light shine.

So, the word pu$$y rolls off the tongue track is confirmation into my own creative bornings and labor. I had to listen to that track a second row. Actually a time in 3rd. Of course, my pregnancy was 9 years.

So, frequency is a vibration felt in the soul of twin spirits. There's no rhyme or reason to frequency connection. You just KNOW.

So, the Sun/Son is New and Blue. I can dig that. Blue flames are hotter in temperatures. A New Being arise on the Sun's horizon to withstand its heat.

So, mmm mmm mmm. I like. I live. I love. I feel this. Yep. Joy. Peace. Thirst. No quench here.

So, resonates on that prototype extension. A fav, he gave an album instead of a side B. Wow!

So, meditation and flutes are of certain bed partners. entertwined, sweating, that wet spot, sexed air and breeze. breath, heavy breath. LOVERS.

SO, movement of the mind. Goings a journey into an inner space of outer space of inner. where you at? In front of the at. YOU find. look. seek. No order. Just You.

So, i thought I was done. Pouring. Spilling. Emptying, Secreting of essence Godlike and God. We savior ourselves. Give thanks to...

...So, My young niece gives herself a breath as slumber cloaks her. Me; the matrix is disrupted into Blue Bliss. Ignorance lifting…on the dawn of a New Rising.

So Yes, it's that Deep! Deepness is an elevation that goes in circles.

Miriam Adams
2023 19 11
Inspirations of a Blue Sun/Son

#elevation #frequency #hrt #Hz #andre3000 #newbluesun



Miriam Adams

Writer, Entrepreneur, Creative Spirit, Naturalista, Anti Western Meds Proponent, Matrix Pilot