4 min readFeb 13, 2024


A Valentine note

🎶 Simi- Stranger 🎶

Dearest Lover

You are beautiful

No one has ever said it so honestly and sincerely before, until you.

Everytime you make my heart pound and with every word you say, I ask myself, which one will burst first? My head or my heart.

Yes, that’s what you do to me.

I love the way you speak, I love the way you want to talk about everything with me, I love even the silence with you, when we both don’t say anything and I just sit there in the dark, smiling and wishing we’d just stay like that for a while.

Is this love?

If it isn’t, how else do I explain the fact that you make everything in me throb and my palms become all sweaty just hearing you speak.

Are you okay?

No, how can I be okay?

When I’m thinking about you every second of my life.

How can I be okay when I am laying on my bed, staring up the ceiling and grinning widely at something that isn’t even there?

No, I am not okay.

🎶 Simi- Stranger 🎶

Dearest lover

I hope this note explains everything I haven’t said since we’ve been together.

Someone said you’d know love when you see one and I think I know love, at least you make me feel like I know love.

The many times I’ve archived your message because I was angry that you are a bit late at texting me and then you text right back and I’m grinning and forgetting that I told myself to give you attitude. This proves how hard I’ve fallen for you.

Do you know you are very beautiful?

I have said I don’t want to be a finished woman but you make me fall in love with you over and over again.

I don’t know which part of you I fell for.

Is it the way you are so good at conversations?

Is it the way you laugh?

Is it the fact that you see through me like I’m some transparent glass?

🎶 Simi- Stranger 🎶

I can’t stop loving you

Those words? I’ve heard them a couple of times but none felt as real as it feels right now, with you.

Is it because you sound so blunt with your words?

Yes, blunt because you are the only one who has ever told me you are going to be stubborn.

Did it annoy me? No, it actually made me blush and it sounded rather too romantic. How does a man know you so much by just speaking to you?

Dearest lover

I want to dance with you in a dark room lighted only by the full moon.

I want your hands on my waist as we dance slowly to Simi’s Stranger.

I want you to whisper sweet nothings inside my ears.

I want to breathe in your scent.

I want us to take things slowly, just like we are right now.

I want you to hear how crazy you make my heart beat and I want you to make it beat everyday.

We are meant for each other

Yes, I feel the same way too. I want to hold your hands on the most toughest days.

I want to kiss you in the rain. Forget about the cares of the world and focus on me at that moment.

I want to do Winter, Summer, Autumn and Spring with you. To put it simply, I want to do forever with you.

I want to take long walks with you on the street in the evenings as you tell me about all the things you’ve learnt. It might never make sense to me but just because your voice is melodious, let me hear all of it.

🎶 Simi- Stranger 🎶

Dearest lover

I hope this note gives you chills just like you give me.

I hope this note gives you comfort until we meet and when we finally meet, let’s spend everyday loving ourselves, giving each other bouquet of roses and not only on February 14th.

My love, let’s pepper them when we meet and until we meet, I hope you keep remembering everyday that I love you.

