PinnedMirko RapisardaFlutter — Clean ArchitectureA software system’s architecture is the system’s structure, consisting of the parts of the system, the relations between the elements, and…Nov 10, 20221Nov 10, 20221
PinnedMirko RapisardainDevmyStilo — A utility-first Flutter framework for rapid UI developmentStilo is a utility-first Flutter framework that gives all of the building constants you need to build designs without define common style…Nov 13, 20202Nov 13, 20202
Mirko RapisardainJavaScript in Plain EnglishHow to Configure ESLint and Prettier in an Angular ApplicationHere we are at the last article in the series of “Things to do before starting an Angular project”.Nov 14, 20212Nov 14, 20212
Mirko RapisardainJavaScript in Plain EnglishAngular Tooling: How to Equip Before Starting a ProjectA few weeks have passed since the last article on “How to get the most out of Angular configuration” and we were left with a promise…Jul 23, 2021Jul 23, 2021
Mirko RapisardainDevmyHow to get the most out of Angular configurationThe first time I approached front-end development in Angular I was a bit off guard, especially for those like me who come from a back-end…May 11, 2021May 11, 2021
Mirko RapisardaFlutter — A meaningful list of widgets that you probably don’t knowWas the 2017 when Google presented for the first time Flutter, a new UI toolkit for crafting beautiful, natively compiled applications for…Sep 13, 2020Sep 13, 2020
Mirko RapisardaEBI ArchitectureLa prima volta che ho sentito parlare di EBI (Entity-Boundary-Interactor) è stato nel libro Clean Architecture di Robert C. Martin…Aug 6, 2020Aug 6, 2020
Mirko RapisardaObject CalisthenicsObject Calisthenics è un insieme di 9 regole che hanno come obiettivo la scrittura di codice mantenibile, leggibile e testabile. Seguire…Jul 4, 2020Jul 4, 2020
Mirko RapisardaChe cos’è un service bus?Un service bus non è altro che un modo per consentire ai componenti di un’applicazione di scambiarsi messaggi. Questi “messaggi” non sono…May 23, 2020May 23, 2020
Mirko RapisardaEstimation — A simple way to do it wellIt’s undeniable, one of the tasks that we don’t like to do as developers is “estimating tasks”. On the other hand, who would like to have…Apr 25, 2020Apr 25, 2020