Dr. Rich Spiegel
3 min read6 days ago



Trump, more than Biden, is starting to show signs of dementia: forgetting names (even of friends, if he truly has any), blurting out unfiltered insults (aimed at Milwaukee and lots of other places he thinks are low-class, meaning residents mostly aren’t wealthy), and not even being sure of what city or state he’s in.

His rally wasn’t in TX when he said, “Hi, Texas!” And he still can’t recall the correct name of his former doctor, now in Congress.

Add these worries: his silent political partnership with the rogue, right-wing, unethical Justices Alito and Thomas and their gift-giving billionaire donors…plus Trump’s continual threats and bullying of people until they obey or bow before him….

There are still dozens of serious charges including the delayed, snail’s-pace courtroom of Trumper Judge Cannon, while he disrupts, disrespects and smirks at one judge after another in other courtrooms. But not in her sympathetic courtroom.

Does Cannon think the public doesn’t see her walking in circles, either out of incompetence or deliberate far-right activism? Or just copying Thomas and Alito?

Still, he seems proud of his 34 felony convictions in NY, so far. He can act out the victim role he cherishes, which is a big help in his self-portrayal as the new, macho Fundamentalist Savior.

Having a president who is delusional and full of constant rage; who despises minorities; “loves” our arch-enemy, War Criminal (and wannabe “Czar”) Putin; and furious at Ukraine because Zelensky didn’t play along with the ex-president’s crusade against the Bidens, and is (according to Trump himself) our future Caesar — puts him on the path to dictatorship.

He’s not even noticing how many Republican Congressmen are retiring even at a young age. The Senate has just one more Democrat than Republicans; the far-right Speaker, second in line for the presidency, cannot control the bonkers paranoia of the House’s Freedom Caucus, seditionists who work hard to end democracy, and members who, perhaps imitating the SCOTUS majority or Putin, have no clue what “ethics” means.

But the majority Justices do know a great deal about evangelical Christian Nationalism.

Trump used to be fairly liberal, and — believe it or not — donated to Hillary Clinton’s campaign in 2008, and about $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. There’s no evidence he was originally “born again,” or a fundamentalist, or an evangelical, or was opposed to abortion rights, or was a gun-crazy missionary like Grand Inquisitors Thomas and Alito, or wanted a Christian Nationalist state — until he ran for president in 2016 and found out his likely voters held tight to one or more of the above beliefs.

Have you heard of the SCOTUS majority’s imaginary rewriting of the “originalist” Constitution? The 2nd Amendment must be amended — which the Supreme Court isn’t allowed to do, though they do it anyway. Only something like a Constitutional Convention can amend our founding document.

Instead of “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State [my emphasis], the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed,” how about inserting, “the right of the people to keep and bear Bump Stock Assault Rifles [pronounced like “Bizarre”], including school-children-and-cop-killer ammunition, shall not be infringed — trumping the philosophy of the fading NRA.

Then, of course (being Trump), he had to come across loudly as more-fascist than thou…than anyone in the US. That so many of his voters are White Supremacists, Christian Crusaders and Nationalists, Antisemites, and violent, locked-and-loaded bump-stockers, means nothing to him — whether or not he has a Jewish daughter and son-in-law. Thanks, Dad.

Note: the drawing of Trump (below) is accurate, but how about some caricatures?

Thanks to Paul Shoffner Creative Arts, Curator Of Quotes, LinkedIn



Dr. Rich Spiegel

PhD:ethics, logic.A top-10 writer for MS twice in Oct. '23, 9 features too. 101+ articles and stories on Medium with 138+ followers; 105+ followers on LinkedIn.