Raindrops of a reminiscing journey

Miruku Inori
7 min readMar 20, 2023


A raindrop that glistens in the light, feeling like a little jewel in its short life. Nourished by so many that showed care. An eternal thank you in a sea of memories, pure and rare. So if you ever chance to see, remember that raindrops eventually fall so free. As this raindrop is tired of the storms. Returning to the sea it once came from. Reminiscing moments and memories that will never go.

This message is for you, the Shiba community. A message to all former and current friendships/individuals met along the way. Know first, that I will always hold this journey and experience close to my heart with you, the community.

A community full of righteous and creative builders, who want to push innovation forward. That very innovation and energy that made us all feel something different about the space, since the very beginning. You will always be the reason behind the success and growth manifestation of Shib in my eyes, and in history.

So as difficult for me as this is, here it goes..

Some of you may have heard by now, others perhaps are just finding out, yet I want to take this opportunity to make things official with the community. Not long ago, I decided to bid farewell to the role held within the Shiba Inu Ecosystem Team, and stepped down to let others continue and carry on the mission.

This was a difficult, yet necessary choice for me personally. I did this quietly and honoring respect for community. In fact, I didn’t want to make any noise about this difficult choice.

I didn’t go posting on social media to cause any conflict, didn’t get in a fight, or in a hurtful exchange of words with others. I simply just parted ways, as professional, respectful, and proficient as I could, and as I continue to pray for the community healing and a good path away from what’s been experienced in recent months.

Life’s roughest storms prove the strength of our anchors

I have observed a high degree of confusing divisiveness, insults, banning from different communication platforms, threatening forecasts, and way too much anxiety over unfortunate interactions in past weeks. In my heart, this storm has taken a toll on everyone, especially myself that sees such a beautiful and vibrant community in each one of you.

Sure, disagreements were experienced through this journey, many realizations, discovery processes, and yes, I am humble enough to know that so many were there for me to embrace and help along the way, even when I didn’t want to listen, or made mistakes. These actions allowed me to reflect more as an individual, and open my heart to understanding many things.

Decentralization is complex, it was always and should always continue to be part of the mission, and this task will continue at the hands of the community as a whole, and those who are building for it and focus on its expansion.

Being ShibArmy has always been about unity and a collective of hearts, not just a small group of developers, leaders, or moderators. It is you, it is me, it the truth behind the success and the attention to this specific project gathered through the years, and it is what shapes this incredible community forward.

To me feeling #ShibArmyStrong means diversifying ideas, and finding solutions to challenges, fixing problems, good broadcast, promoting adoption, building friendships, highlighting education, and an inspirational cultural movement that ultimately honors the achievement of its community growth.

Regardless of how much Shib’s anonymous founder Ryoshi loved chaos, I was always inspired by this ‘chaos’ expanding on building, and generating a natural path for the better.

With that said, in my last message to the leadership of the Shib Ecosystem team I made mention on the values behind promise and delivery on presented programs, maturity and communication, professionalism, and listening to the community feedback and its members as the true essence of the project, and how recent fights have affected many.

The ShibArmy can be fun, energetic, innovative, and constructive. It is one of the most powerful communities in the space today for a reason. Therefore, seek to continue building with that mindset, and refrain from settling for anything less.

It’s important to use your voice to demand progression, delivery, transparency, education, and participation in areas where your involvement could be a crucial foundation for the community to expand and feel a heartwarming welcome to its evolution.

I may have stepped down from the ecosystem team, but I will never stop being one of you, as a part of the community, and will continue to support it and observe its progression.

If I ever missed the opportunity to meet, discuss more with someone through this journey, let me also take this time to personally apologize to you for that missed chance. As you can imagine working with such a large project comes with a degree of ongoing interactions and reachability from hundreds if not thousands of individuals that have spoken to me at one point or another, as time/days become wild when you want to answer and be connected to everyone and respond in a timely manner.

I always gave it my all and tried my best. Even through each post on Twitter to post stats, or shared articles, personal thoughts, and the occasional quote to remind all of kindness and happiness.

This is a true statement and feeling, full of purity and ethos behind my work. That commitment was always to honor the community as a whole while shading away importance from myself as a sole individual. I am one of you, ultimately, just a passionate community member who, equally to your efforts, tried her best. I never considered myself anything but humbled and unimportant, yet extremely accepted and loved by all of you who support the project.

Nothing lasts forever, but memories remain in the oceans of time.

For that, the moon shines tonight with gratitude, I am thankful..

🌙Thankful, for those friends who believed in me, who fought for me to help and grow certain areas, to those who accompanied me long nights while creating artwork, writing, teaching me, and honoring me with their graceful talents.

🌙Thankful, for the one that helped me gain access to aid in social media, I will never forget how hard you fought for it and believed in me. For the ones who allowed me to become a moderator admin on the original telegram channel to help the community and provide aid in the best way that I could.

🌙Thankful to the many moderators from all communication platforms and directives. The many international channels in telegram that accepted me into their forums to share moments about the community and expression.

🌙Thankful for those twitter profiles that have become strong community voices, and that take the time to create material, the content creators, those community twitter spaces that shared with me their time and talents.

🌙 Thankful, that I was able to meet very special people along the way, if I was to mention each one of you here the site would probably crash, there are just so many. I truly don’t know how to thank you enough. My hope is that we can continue to keep in touch from time to time as I would love to learn and see you grow in whichever direction life takes you.

🌙I want to make a special mention to someone that has been a great inspiration and friend to me for a long time now, you all may recognize him on the community as Baysed.

I’m proud to call you one of my closest and dearest friends. It feels like we’ve been through a lot together, and I know that no matter what life presented my way, I could always count for you to be there for me. I know you also left recently, and it was a difficult choice as well, but you honored your family values and your children with great heart and commitment.

I pray for your happiness, health, and a beautiful life ahead with your family. You can always look at the sky and know that you made a difference for someone who sees you for the amazing individual we all know you are.

🌙 Another very special mention goes to my small support group of ‘frens’ that shared in many days of venting, tears, and laughs together. They know how important to me this community always has been.

For this group of people it went beyond being colleagues.

I feel blessed to have met you, and the support, reliance and reachability, you gave me through the years is very special and dear to me.

I hope that you received a warm, kind, loving, and professional interaction through our years working together. I’m proud to say that I could always count on you all to be there for me.

As I write this my emotions are indescribable, and with tears I am filled with a sense of gratitude for each one of you, for the lessons learned, and countless memories. With my focus now set on my family, mental well-being, and kindness, I have set my sights on being a supportive community member. As I continue to learn more about the space, I have developed an interest in regulatory frameworks. Eventually, I would like to strengthen my experience in such, alongside relationship building, communities, and supporting adoption for web3 and beyond.

Listen to the community.

I will continue to use this medium as a form of expression for feelings in the future. My social media profile will remain closed, and I haven’t, nor have the intention of joining any projects.


Miruku Inori



Miruku Inori

I do not belong to any project, I am not a developer, nor want to join any projects. Be advised and be safe.