Monk Mode 101: The Ultimate Guide to Focused Work in 2023

Mirza M.S. Baig
2 min readJan 9, 2023

Abraham Lincoln quoted, “If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend 6 sharpening my axe” It’s TIME for you to sharpen your axe — and the axe is YOU!

What is Monk Mode?

Monk mode is a term used to describe a state of heightened concentration and productivity, in which you are able to focus all of your attention and energy on a single task or goal. It’s like being in a flow state, where you are fully immersed in what you are doing and able to achieve great things.

What are the benefits of Monk Mode?

It can help you to get things done faster and more efficiently, allowing you to achieve your goals more quickly. It can also help you to stay motivated and focused, even when facing difficult challenges or setbacks.

How to do Monk Mode?

Start with 3 non-negotiables — it’s very simple but not easy!

  1. 10 mins a day of meditation
  2. 30 mins a day of exercise
  3. No alcohol or weed
  4. (Optional) and then you can add your own custom variable (ex: praying once a day or keto diet etc)

It might seems easy but I recommend you try it for at least 21 days; If you feel like you take on tougher challenge, I recommend doing it for 90 days — don’t go over 90 as that can cause more harm than good.

Monk Mode Success Stories

  • The Wright brothers were able to make significant progress on their work on the first successful airplane while in monk mode.
  • Steve Jobs was known for his intense focus and ability to enter into monk mode, which helped him to achieve great things at Apple.
  • J.K. Rowling wrote the first Harry Potter book while in monk mode, completing the entire manuscript in just six weeks.

Are you ready to try it out for yourself and see the benefits it can bring?

