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4 min readNov 9, 2022

6 Bodyweight Exercises For Biceps. Being able to hold your arms up is an indicator of strength and endurance. Posing with a gun is among the most effective ways to create a huge impression. So, it’s not unexpected it is one of the well-known exercise routines for gyms can be that of the biceps curl. Anyone who is holding an exercise ball in their hands first time, instinctively will do a biceps curl.

But what happens if you wish to perform a bicep exercise at home with no weights? Here’s a list of exercises that you can perform at home using an exercise bar that can be pulled up or a the resistance band.


Here’s how you can combine Bicep exercises to create a fantastic exercise routine at home:

Pick three exercises, and repeat them for 8–12 times.

Three repetitions of each workout, with 90–120 seconds of time between sets.

When doing isometric exercises, make sure to keep the position for as long as is possible. Repeat three times, with 90–120 seconds time between sets.


Start position:

Get the pull-up bar and place your palms on your body and your hands roughly the same width. Relax your body with your arms straight. Keep your arms in a tight position and shoulders.

How to do exercises:Pull you up to the point that your head is on the bar (end position). Lower yourself to your starting point in a controlled way.


Start position:

Pull up the bar while your palms are facing your body and your hands approximately the same width. Lift yourself to the point that your head is resting on the bar. If you’re not able to perform a chin-up but you are able to do this exercise using the chair or stepping to leap. If you want to do an exercise that is more difficult for your bicep do a bending of your arms until they’re at 90-degrees.

How to complete this exercise
Maintain this position for the length of time you are able to.


Start position:
Take the pull-up bar, with your palms in front of you , and your hands shoulder space apart. Lift yourself till your neck is at the top of the bar.

How to do this exercise
Drop yourself to a hanging position with a controlled and slow method. Your arms shouldn’t be straight in the position you are in. Keep tension on your shoulders and arms when you are in the final position.


Start position:
Put your hands together on the pull-up bar. Your thumbs should face you , and your arms should be straight. Make sure you keep tension in your arms and shoulders.

How to do an exercise

Lift yourself with your head towards your left side from the barre. Make an effort to reach the bar that you are pulling up by your left shoulder. Lower yourself back to your starting point in a controlled way. Then, you can pull yourself up by bringing your head towards the right side of the bar. Make sure you touch the bar using your left shoulder.


Start position:

Take the pull-up bar, with your palms in front of you, with your hands roughly the same width. Relax your body with your arms straight. Make sure you keep tension in your arms and shoulders.

How to complete this exercise
Lift yourself until the arms bend to 90 degrees. As you hold this position, pull and push your body in a rapid manner like you’re trying to smash the bar using your forehead.


Do you want to perform your Bicep exercises at your home, but you don’t have any dumbbells or a pull-up bar? Don’t worry just need an exercise band.


Start position:

Place your knees on the floor with them bent under you and you’ll be lying in a seated position on the heels. Keep your upper body straight and your shoulders in a relaxed position. Put the band under your right knee, and then hold it in your right hand.

How to do the exercise:

Bring your hand toward your right shoulder against the force that the band provides. Your upper arm must remain still as you pull against the band and keep your elbow beneath your shoulder, and in close proximity to your body. Release the hold, then return to your starting position. Perform all repetitions on one side and change sides.

If larger, stronger arms and an more muscular upper part of your body are your aim — make sure to look over the most effective bodyweight exercises for the triceps as well. For more suggestions for building muscles using bodyweight exercises, take a look at Muscle Gain 101..

Are you looking to increase your strength and fitness levels overall? Find the ideal bodyweight workout program for you on the adidas Training app right now.


It’s not necessary to join a gym to keep fit. These ten exercises can help you strengthen your biceps and keep your body in good shape. If you’d like to take your exercise routine at home to the next level, you should take an interest in TRX Home Suspension Trainer Kit. TRX Home Suspension Trainer Kit. It is a TRX Home system lets you perform several body-weight exercises that focus on muscles throughout the entire body.