Diary of a hustler for Product Hunt Launch

Misbah Ashraf
The Coffeelicious
Published in
3 min readMar 30, 2015

I always love meeting new people and learn something new fr0m each of them. Everybody has a story to tell and we should learn from their success and failures.

3 months back, I met Gaurav Gupta. He was frustrated with corporate culture and built SquareBoat for making beautiful web applications. 2 weeks back, he pinged me about his new project called Hackr. I loved the project idea and decided to put it on Product Hunt at 5.30 am EST on Saturday morning.

Then, I challenged myself to bring it on top — it would have been the first time for any Indian product. Since it was hunted early in the morning, I had enough time to make it trending. I started collecting email addresses from my personal network. I started reaching out to everyone I have ever met or knew through social networks.

This helped me gain amazing results. People started tweeting about the product.

I was thinking about my last move that will make it trending and, I did find a way. I started reaching to people who had attended my lectures and workshops earlier. Being an awesome product for developers, it helped me in getting lot of traction.

Product Hunt Effect ☺

Here is one of the mail I’ve used:

Subject : Can I buy you a cup of coffee?

Hope you are doing awesome. My friend has developed Hackr- Product Hunt for Programming Tutorial. And, I thought you would be best person to talk about it. Let me know whenever I can buy you a cup of coffee in return of some feedbacks to make it better for developer community.

In between, Hackr has just got hunted on Product Hunt. I’d love if you can jump into the conversations and put your insights.

Looking forward to meet you soon.


So, the day ended with an amazing result. It was on #1 and, I won my own challenge.

For anyone who wants to get the maximum out of Product Hunt, have these points in your mind before posting something:

1.Prepare a list of people whom you want to ping when your product gets hunted. Hunt every person in your network with whom you ever had a conversation with, even if it was just for few seconds.

2. Don’t share the product link directly. Ask them to visit Product Hunt and search for the product. Direct sharing of the product link will lower down your product ranking.

3. Don’t ask for upvotes. Ask them to jump into the conversations and give their feedback.

4. Get ready to lose your sleep when you are getting hunted ☺

P.S : I am always looking to help any startup in product launch and growth down the lane. If you love to talk about growth, drop me a message at misbah.ashraf786@gmail.com

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Misbah Ashraf
The Coffeelicious

Co-Founder @JarAppHQ with @agnishchay ✨ Recently, Built @marsplayapp (Acq.)💰 Previous lives at @thecibola 💥