PinnedThe real cake mix insight isn’t what you think it isBy the late 1940s, instant cake mixes — which required the addition of only water — had been around for a couple of decades¹. More than…May 31, 2022May 31, 2022
Evolution and the hidden cognitive bias that’s sabotaging advertising’s futureOur instinctive response to all problems — including our own — is to seek ‘essences’, to leave no room for intermediates.Jun 7, 2022Jun 7, 2022
What a master pickpocket can teach us about storytellingStorytelling is as much — or even much more — about the ‘how’, the telling, as it is about the stories themselves.Jun 7, 2022Jun 7, 2022
The consumer is not a moron. He is the other half of creative genius.In the myth-making that follows success, the beginnings of any creative endeavour or career always happen under the light of a guiding…Jun 7, 2022Jun 7, 2022
What Big Data reveals about us as a civilisationOne defining feature of technological progress is an escalation of energy needs.Jun 7, 2022Jun 7, 2022
Fake Quotations and the Speciation of Wisdom“Stop fucking with the words man. i maybe dead, but i am watching ~ Rumi”Jun 7, 2022Jun 7, 2022
Where to look for ideas you may have misplacedA couple of days ago, I riffed a bit on research findings about how walking through doors seems to have an adverse effect on memory.Jun 5, 20221Jun 5, 20221
The machine code of story-tellingAn effective opening line creates a temporal boundary between what you were doing or thinking before the story began and afterwards.Jun 5, 2022Jun 5, 2022
Complexity as a narrative deviceComplexity when used skillfully as a narrative device can draw the reader deeper into the story.Jun 5, 2022Jun 5, 2022
What is the future of fashion?For some self-expression for its own sake is worth the exorbitant cost. But for others, a little paranoia sshould help.Jun 5, 2022Jun 5, 2022