Recess Friend

3 min readApr 7, 2016


Hello in there,

Can you come out to play today?


Too many obligations and commitments?

I see.


What if I was to stand outside the window of your mind,

and incessantly sing to you?

What if I suddenly found myself standing next to you, leaning in to curl my head against your shoulder?

Touching your face with gratitude?

Then would you leave this place of thinking

to come play in the recesses of our brains?

Those places we haven’t discovered, those places

untamed and uncaged?

I want to run in that field with you,

smelling flowers with the warm wind blowing into us.

I want to run until we are in the sand


and at once rolling onto the wet shore to let the waves

lap us and engulf us.

The Angels and Time begin a bargain

to extend the moments now,

these fleeting moments that simply ask us

to keep doing what we’re doing.


Do you remember the first time you kissed me?

It was like inhaling all of those things

locked behind a veil of mystery.

An entire boquet, an entire galaxy

of secrets!


At recess, it is all there:

A million secrets to explore ~

A thousand ways to receive the gift ~

Taking turns surrendering, and simultaneously protecting

each other in this evolution.

It’s okay if you want to retreat and hide back in your cage sometimes.

I might do the same.

Sometimes, I might want you to walk with me during my retreat, holding my hand and just listening or whispering a kindness, such as “How beautiful you are when you live your truth.”

Sometimes, I will want to walk alone.

But darling,

I like recess.

It won’t take long before I return to play,

with a softened heart

and smiling eyes.


For there is so much delight to be found

outside the cage!

The illusory cage that seems so real when I am standing inside of it, turned away from the field and the sun and the sand and the wind.

But now that I’ve tasted the freedom in the Garden,

even the shackles in my cage are pointing me back

to the incredible lightness of my true nature!

The heavy heart prods itself out of its reverie, chanting

“Guess what time it is, sweet one? It’s time to wake up the dreams!”

And as I open the eyes of my knowing,

the dream shoots into consciousness

so again I am standing outside

with the warm wind,

the field, the sun, the sand

and you.


This time, when you lay me out like canvas

for your paint,

and every stroke from your brush,

every strike of your color,

sends me into rapture ~

This time I fully immerse myself in the bliss of being held so perfectly,

and my mouth opens wide

so gold can pour forth,

glowing with the magic of Prana ~

This energy that has awakened has no beginning and no end,

no death and no resolution.

Regardless of how suppressed it may have been,

regardless of having coiled itself into a dormant position

for years or even lifetimes,

when it awakens,

when it begins to shake,

all the walls start crumbling down.

And we dance upon the rubble that piles up,

we dance and dance and dance.


Kiss me again like that,

my Recess Friend.


