Animated GIF of MIS Green Founder, Shenika, appearing dubious with a sky blue background and an animation of incoming new Tech job description snippets .
Is it really possible to be authentic and perceived “professional” in Tech?

“Authentic” and “Professional” — Is this a Juxtaposition or New Definition?

S. Felix
4 min readAug 9, 2021

Has anyone ever called you a professional? Or, perhaps, it was feedback given about a person that you interviewed to join the company and your Team.

Many times, I caught myself giving feedback stating someone presented themselves in a very professional manner. Not very informative is it? What thoughts come to mind…do you picture yourself as the embodiment of professionalism? Perhaps it’s how you work with your Team members, conduct conversations with stakeholders, or maybe it’s the interaction with a manager or mentor that you think of? I’ll be the first to admit that it’s hard to not think about those you don’t consider professional…specific characteristics, idiosyncrasies, etc. Like the things they say at the wrong time or the wrong things they say at times…

In my experience, the following examples of generic nondescript feedback is always followed by a question.

  • Your Team is very professional.
  • The candidate presented themselves in a professional manner.
  • You conduct yourself like a professional.
  • You/They’re/I’m being unprofessional.

Follow-up question: In what way do you mean?

