The 6 tips to help designers find a job

Misha Dupliakin
3 min readAug 23, 2022


6 tips to help designers find a job

Hey, my name is Misha. I am a senior mobile designer and design teacher. It is my first article, and I am going to tell you about my experience with candidates who applied for designer positions.

I saw many candidates for the role of a designer, but they didn’t even go through the recruiting stage.

Here are 6 tips that companies will definitely like:

1. English

You may not be fluent in the language, but being confident in what you say is a must. You also need to understand your interlocutor well.

Otherwise, even the recruiter will think you have a poor command of English.


2. Resume

No one wants your photos or stories about how awesome you are.

Rather, tell them briefly about your experience, skills, and how you know how to interact with the team.

Resume Template made by me in Notion

3. Portfolio

In order to understand what kind of designer you are, companies do not need your cases on Behance.

Leave only your best projects in the portfolio and tell them briefly what you managed to achieve and what mistakes you avoided.

Design Portfolio

4. Sociability

You can be the best designer, but if you don’t know how to talk to people, you won’t succeed.

The most important piece of advice is to be yourself.

5. Adequacy

Don’t be a know-it-all or a design guru. You won’t achieve anything that way.

Be human, don’t be arrogant, and listen carefully to the interlocutor before giving an answer.

6. Team Work

You may be an independent designer, but teamwork is very important in products.

Learn to listen, be patient, and respect other people and their ideas.

Team Work

Thank you for reading! I hope you found these tips helpful.

I will be glad for your support via claps or shares ❤️

Feel free to reach me via Twitter, I share design tips, tutorials and free resources

