ZoneX eSports Platform

Mikhail Karkhalev
6 min readMar 29, 2018


We plan the organization and holding of international eSports online-tournaments for 50 most popular disciplines in more than 220 various formats, on PC, Play Station and X-BOX.

At the moment, the project is being actively developed, and we offer everyone who is interested in our project to comment, discuss, offer and Express their opinion on the planned functionality. Your feedback is important to us and we would like to build a platform based on the community’s opinion.

At the moment, our vision is the following:

1. My profile

The each gamer’s profile is a personal mini-office.
Every gamer on his page can:
— sell own branded products;
— sell advertising products of partners;
— sell skins;
— post advertisements on his page;
— get donats from fans and viewers;
— receive invitations to the team;
— receive a challenge to a duel;
— stream;
— publish news;
— create a team.
All the platform functionality is built around the one and main task — “to give cyberathletes a maximum of opportunities for earning”.

Also the statistics of participation in tournaments and mini-biography, the team which includes the athlete and game discipline are displayed in the each gamer’s profile.

In the personal profile the cyberathlete can see how much money he has in the account, and also a number of tickets giving the right to free participate in tournaments. Such tickets are reward in tournaments.

2. My team

The team profile is similar to the cyberathlete profile. However additionally in the team profile team members are listed with links to their personal profiles.

In the team profile it is possible to distribute all funds earned by the team, equally or a certain amount to each team member. The team captain or creator of the team profile is responsible for the distribution of funds.

3. My participations

In the “my participations” tab the gamer can see when, in which tournaments and matches he takes or took a part. Thus, the gamer wouldn’t miss matches or tournaments.



4. News

In the news tab the user can see the news from who he follows, and also the main platform news.

5. My messages

Incoming message

Messages from the platform administration are highlighted in red.

Light gray — unread messages.
The red marker labeled “Battle” over the sender’s photo is the accepted or declined challenge to a duel.
Dark grey — read messages.

6. Dialogs

There is the standard dialog box appears when you open messages.
There are the dialog box with the future opponent and the form of the match creating appear when you open the message “Accepted a challenge to a duel”.

7. Challenges

In the “Challenges” tab you can see all the fights to which you were invited and to which you invited. You can refuse to meet the challenge.

Challenge acceptd

8. Selection teammate

After accepting the challenge, the opponent receives the automatic message from you “Accepted the challenge to the duel”. There are the dialog box with the future opponent and the match creating form appear after opening the message. The amount of the bet in the duel, match composition and match date are determined in the match creating form. In the dialog all the match details are discussed between the parties.

Creat match

Match created

9. Invitations

In the “Invitations” tab all offers from the teams are displayed. The invitation can be accepted or rejected.

10. Donats

In the “Donats” tab a history of all donats displays — the user who sent the donat and the amount.There is the sum of the received donats in the top right corner.

11. Tournaments

In the tournament section each cyberathlete can choose:

— Game discipline;

— Tournament type: “Qualifying”, “Rating”, “Weekly”, “VIP”, “ Sponsorship”;

— The tournament format and the platform (PC, PS4, XBOX).

The prize fund of “Rating”, “Weekly” and “ VIP “tournaments is financed by participants contributions.

The prize fund of the “Sponsorship” tournaments is financed by sponsors and the platform partners, as well as by the platform itself. Participation in such tournaments is free.

Qualifying tournaments give the opportunity to break into paid tournaments.

12. Tournament lobby

After choosing a suitable tournament the gamer goes into the “Tournament lobby” where he can read the full information about the tournament, rules and register.

13. Rating

The rating of athletes can be viewed for each game discipline, format and game platform.

For example, the “World of Tanks” rating — “5x5” — “PC” includes points scored by teams only in World of Tanks tournaments in format “5x5”.

Year-end TOP 25 athletes / teams will be awarded by valuable prizes:

1–3 places — cash reward + the right to free participation in tournaments for this discipline for 6 months;

4–10 places — valuable prizes from sponsors and partners + the right to free participation in tournaments for this discipline for 3 month;

11–25 places — the right to free participation in tournaments for this discipline for 3 months.

14. Matches

In the “Matches” section you can see all the current, completed and upcoming matches, and also the score and all related information.
Additional sections and more detailed functional are currently being finalised and formed. Watch for updates.

Also, you can support our project, we conduct ICO and we will be glad to your support:

