Bearded Dragon Poop 101: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know

Mishal Rafique
3 min readMay 5, 2024

Bearded dragons live in Australia’s arid regions. Although they have some of the stickiest excrement of all the reptile families, they are friendly and easy to teach as pets. Like any living thing, the excrement of bearded dragons can reveal details about their health. As a result, this article acts as a thorough resource on bearded dragon poop, answering all of your questions and helping you provide your bearded dragon better care. So, if you want to know everything, you have to read it all 🙂.

How frequently ought a bearded dragon to poop?

The following factors impact how frequently a bearded dragon will poop:

Bearded dragon ages

Bearded dragon diet

UVB and UAV light levels exposure

How Often Should a Three Months or Less Bearded Dragon Baby Poop?

Your bearded dragon is still a youngster and will have more frequent bowel motions if it is three months of age or under.

A baby bearded dragon will poop one to three times a day.

Baby bearded dragons eat more throughout the day as they get older, usually concentrating on diets high in protein and calcium. You will defecate more on this diet since it increases the amount of waste produced. Thus, do not be alarmed if your little friend occasionally brings you gifts to tidy up.

How Frequently Should a 4–18-month-old Bearded Dragon Poop?

Bearded dragons that are four to eighteen months old are considered young or juvenile. A bearded dragon that is young must poop every other day. If the bearded dragon is getting close to the 18-month milestone, he will move through the bowl more slowly and poop once or twice a week.

When Should an Adult Bearded Dragon (after 18 months of age) poop?

Any bearded dragon that is older than eighteen months is considered an adult. Mature, peaceful bearded dragons mostly eat greens, which make up 80% of their diet, and 20% are insects. In a comfortable, well-maintained tank with adequate UVB and UAV light, adequate humidity, and a nutritious diet, an adult bearded dragon will poop once or up to seven times a week. Nutrition is, in fact, quite important. For instance, a bearded dragon that consumes greens and crickets may poop one to three times a week, whereas the same dragon that consumes feeders high in calcium will poop daily.

In short, every bearded dragon is different; some excrete every day, while others do not. It depends on the factors that were previously discussed, including their age, diet, and exposure to UVB and UAV light.

To Read Up On:

Can a Bearded Dragon pass urine?

The frequency of bearded dragon poop: how often? or Angry?

What Takes Place If Your Bearded Dragon Frequent Urinates?

What Does a Bearded Dragon’s Poop Look Like?

A Healthy Bearded Dragon’s Poop Color

Odd Colors of Bearded Dragon Feces

The abnormal bearded dragon’s poop colors

How Is Poop Made by a Bearded Dragon?

What Effects Does Brumation Have on Your Bearded Dragon’s Pooping Ability?

What Gives Bearded Dragon Poop Its Strong Odor?

How Is Bearded Dragon Manure Removed?

Is Eating Bearded Dragon Poop Dangerous?


