Make your every single day productive

4 min readNov 8, 2020

Do you ever spend your day without doing anything and then wonder why have you not productively utilized your day? Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, Charles Darwin — they all had only 24 hours in a day. Salute to them for hard work and time management. There are millions of ways you could spend each day perfectly. So, why don’t you try?
Start making a brief list of all the things you need to accomplish to make the day meaningful and productive as well. Below you will find some easy tips that will help you make the most out of your time:

Start a healthy day
Birds are flying in the sky, the earth is revolving around the sun and the clock is ticking, hurry up! Otherwise, you will lag. Times are hard and everyone is busy chasing the next coin. So, just don’t expect anyone else to be bothered about your entire well being.
And we also see sunrises and sunsets every day. How it works every day without being failed. So, you have to take lessons from that. Firstly, make a proper schedule of your upcoming days and make an exact plan for their completion at any cost. Do exercise, yoga, meditation, etc. that water your body growth. Take a balanced diet. It makes you mentally relaxed and physically active. Do a little practice of these every day, that can help your future bright and healthy.

Work smarter, not harder
“Success in life is founded upon attention to the small things rather than to the large things”. — Booker T. Washington
Here is an example which I have been seen in a video which was —
A hard-working man picks up an axe and starts hitting a tree. He was hitting until it cut. In this way, it took many hours of that person. But there was also a smart man who was also doing the same thing but the only difference was he first sharpen his axe and after that, he easily cut the tree over a very short period. It reduces lots of time. So, just go ahead with smarter ideas.

Little acts of kindness
Just fill your brain with positive raw materials. Yess! You are close to my opinion. I am talking about doing some little acts of kindness every day. Everyone is busy in bullying others. But have you ever tried to look yourself, what have you done yet for the others? If no, then first make yourself positive then just start doing little care around yourself. That feeling has no comparison to the others.
And don’t be afraid of surprising others with something they might like, without asking their permission to do so. For example — If you are at work and want to go grab yourself a sandwich, you could also grab one more for your colleague. This surprising action will stick in their mind for a long time, and you will be seen as a friendly and nice person.

Cut off distraction practices
Do something small each day for a whole week to progress your dream. Tell no one. Because they can distract you from your path. And things you need to stop wasting time on comparing yourself to everyone else. Because social comparison can easily kill your happiness. You could spend a lifetime worrying about what others have and you don’t have. So, Just only see your progress on what you were yesterday and what you are today.
Just try to bury these kinds of ideas from your mind before you go to sleep. Trust me! It works.
• Break the cycle of negative people
• Mute your distracting habits
• Declutter and solidify your mind

Take technology perks
Technology is good at scheduling. There are many tools like google calendar which help you in scheduling tasks and meetings every day. You can set a reminder for your important work throughout the week. It can save your time and also you will never miss the opportunities and meetings as well. Like this, you have a lot of time in a day. Just take smart actions everywhere to do extra fruitful work in a day.

Do things that you love
Here is everything that we have to surely do at any cost. So, just give a couple of hours to nurture your soul too. Find time each day to feed your soul by embracing gratitude, laughter, hope, trust, love, etc. Inner peace is very important because if your mind will not be relaxed and calm then you can’t accomplish anything according to your schedule.

Self-care is never a selfish act — If you will not move ahead then you will always stick to the same position. So, believe in yourself, schedule yourself properly throughout the week. As we all know, “Many a little makes a mickle”. When you start making every single day special then you will fulfill your dreams for which you are chasing.

Let’s use it wisely and refuse to waste a single day. And don’t forget to give feedback below —
All the best!

