Steering Clear of Vanity Metrics

Vikash Mishra
3 min readDec 15, 2023


In the bustling realm of digital banking, as a product manager charting the course through the acquisition and activation journey, my compass is a set of data-driven insights. Imagine it as a trusty North Star, guiding me through the labyrinth of product metrics. Let me share a little secret with you — in this journey, understanding the different faces of metrics, especially the alluring but treacherous vanity metrics, is akin to having a sturdy anchor that keeps the ship steady.

The Allure of Vanity Metrics:

As aspiring product managers, we’ve all been there. Vanity metrics, those dazzling figures that glitter like ornaments on a tree, have an undeniable charm. In my world of financial services, metrics like the Net Promoter Score (NPS) can sometimes beckon with a siren song. They look good, they feel good, but the trick lies in understanding that not everything that glitters is gold.

Understanding Vanity Metrics:

Picture this — a high NPS score or a surge in social media followers. Superficially, it feels like a win. Yet, the heart of the matter is recognizing that these metrics might stroke our ego but often lack a direct link to the real success of our products or services. In the financial world, where the language of success speaks in revenue and customer retention, falling for metrics that merely “look good” can be a seductive distraction.

The Drawbacks of Vanity Metrics:

1. Misleading Sense of Success:
— Relying solely on vanity metrics can create a misleading sense of success. A high NPS score might suggest satisfied customers, but it doesn’t reveal the specific factors contributing to satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

2. Lack of Actionable Insights:
— Vanity metrics often lack the granularity needed for actionable insights. Knowing that social media followers increased is nice, but it doesn’t provide insights into whether these followers are engaging with the brand or converting into customers.

3. Potential for Shallow Strategies:
— Basing strategies on vanity metrics alone can lead to superficial initiatives that prioritize appearances over substance. This approach may result in short-term gains but lacks the foundation for sustained success.

Strategies for Aspiring Product Managers:

1. Align Metrics with Business Goals:
— Ensure that the metrics chosen align directly with the overarching business goals. If the primary objective is revenue growth, focus on metrics that directly contribute to that goal rather than peripheral indicators.

2. Contextualize Vanity Metrics:
— While it’s essential to be wary of vanity metrics, they can still offer value when considered in the right context. For example, a high NPS score is meaningful when coupled with a deep understanding of the customer journey and specific pain points.

3. Balance with Core Metrics:
— Strike a balance between vanity metrics and core metrics such as revenue, customer acquisition, and retention. This ensures a holistic view of performance and prevents overreliance on superficial indicators.

4. Emphasize Actionable Data:
— Prioritize metrics that provide actionable data, allowing for strategic adjustments and improvements. Metrics should offer insights that lead to tangible changes in products, services, or customer interactions.

5. Educate Stakeholders:
— Actively educate stakeholders, including team members and executives, about the limitations of vanity metrics. Foster a culture that values comprehensive, data-driven decision-making over the allure of impressive but potentially inconsequential figures.

The Role of Vanity Metrics:

In the grand theater of product management, vanity metrics play a role, but it’s crucial to recognize that they are more like supporting actors than the main cast. They might add a touch of glamour, but the real stars are the metrics that drive tangible success — revenue growth, customer acquisition, and retention.

Closing Thoughts:

So, dear aspiring product managers, as you navigate the dynamic waters of product management, keep your eyes on the North Star — the metrics that truly matter. Don’t let the allure of vanity metrics steer you off course. In the world of digital banking, as in any great journey, it’s the well-chosen metrics that will ensure your ship sails not just through the storms but toward the shores of sustainable success.

