How to learn to code HTML&CSS ASAP and great cheat sheets

Miss Johnsen
2 min readJan 21, 2023


You probably also just like me wondering how you can learn to code as fast as possible, so here you got my advices on how you can become good at coding asap!

Photo by James Harrison on Unsplash

So here we go,

  1. Start with tutorials: Find a good online tutorial that you can follow along with. Codecademy, W3 Schools, and Treehouse are popular online resources for learning HTML and CSS.

2. Practice: After you learn the basics, set goals for yourself and continuously practice. This could be anything from coding a website, to designing a blog post, or replicating a pre-existing website.

3. Use frameworks: Take advantage of the fact that many frameworks exist to help shorten your development time with HTML and CSS. Twitter Bootstrap, Foundation, and Skeleton are great options to look into.

4. Read blog posts: Learn from others by reading blog posts and articles written by web developers. There are great blogs and magazines like A List Apart, SitePoint, and Smashing Magazine that provide content filled with tips and best practices.

5. Join an online forum: Participating in discussions on a forum is a great way to learn by connecting with others.

Another thing that has helped me out a lot is using cheat sheets, and you’ll find the best cheat sheets for HTML and CSS on websites like HTML5 Doctor, CSS3 selected, W3Schools and Cheatography. Just give me a comment and I’ll give you links if you don’t find them.

I hope at least this helped you out and if you want someone to code with I’m here because I love to connect with you!

