When was the last time you did something stupid?

3 min readAug 6, 2022


I be stupid everyday. That’s how I killed Hitler with non-violence.

Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

I’m a fool. Needed that out of the way first.

I have been postponing this for so long. I have been dreaming and thinking and meaning and wondering and conceptualizing about writing on Medium for years now.

But I kept overthinking about it. What would I write about? What should be title? Oh this topic is not a great topic for my first article. Maybe what I need is just a epiphany, one that would change everything, one that would motivate me to shred away my procrastination and just start typing it out.

I kept hoping that something would click and suddenly my life would change. That I would start typing out articles one after another and do it consistently every single day. But it’s all just in my mind. I’m not gonna become a star or celebrity with my blogs. Actually I don’t think anyone would even read this. I wonder if even my friends would bother to spend their time on reading this. Maybe… maybe not. So either way, today I decided.

There’s no point in eternal planning. So I did what my sneakers told me.

Just do it.

Yup, so I abandoned everything I had cooked up in my mind. The titles, the topics, the length of articles, all the points I had saved in my notes on phone. I don’t need them right now. The first thing I need to do, is my first attempt. My first mistake? The first article.

So, if by some cosmic miracle, someone stumbles upon these words, heed to the words of my sneakers coz they are old and wise. And just freaking do it. Take the dive. Write those first words. Type them out. It’s alright. Hit publish. Don’t just save the draft for another day. NO. JUST DO IT.

What’s the worst that could happen? Your old English teacher might accidentally read it and reach out to you after all these years just to admonish and give you points and notes on your writing. Maybe some guy reads this article, gains motivation from your inspiring words and finally takes that dive from the 7th floor. He just did it. That’s what you wanted him to do isn’t it. At this point I don’t really care. Let the worst come to me and I shall cross that bridge when I reach there. But right now, I am gonna go ahead with this.

Think of the bright side. Maybe that English teacher you always had a crush on really does reach out to you. Maybe the guy who commits suicide after reading your article was a future Hitler. There’s no taxation on wishful thinking yet so go crazy.

But seriously, it would be really absurd if future Hitler actually commits suicide after reading my article. I mean I would possibly single handedly save millions of lives. I would be a savior of the whole world, just because I decided to spew and vomit out the words that appeared in my bored up brain.

Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on Unsplash

Anyhow, this is good. I enjoyed this. Just typing out my ramblings on to this screen has made me feel… somehow… happier? I don’t know. I feel pleased. Maybe it’s coz I’m finally doing what I have always postponed. Or maybe it’s just the joy of putting your words to paper. Well in this case words to the screen.

I should probably do more of this. Alright. So if anyone is still reading this and if you are also procrastinating like me, just try it and let me know how it goes. Or if you like the jungle of words I have created here, leave me some feedback. Even if it’s to tell me just how bad this article was. Is this even an article? Idk ;)

Just get in touch. Seriously. I wanna hear from you… someone… anyone… please?




I’m a sheep in human clothing… seriously… I’m literally wearing some human’s skin. Oh no that sounds gross. Also it’s not literal. Ok, this is a bad analogy.